1. Basic
    1. Basics of Penetration Testing
      1. Intro to Penetration Testing
        1. What is Penetration Testing
        2. Stages of Penetration Testing
      2. Perform Information Gathering
        1. Passive
        2. Active
      3. Vulnerability Scanning
      4. Common web application attacks
    2. Kali Linux
      1. Getting Started with Kali Linux
      2. Basic Commands
      3. Essential Tools
  2. Standard
    1. Standard of Penetration Testing
      1. Intro to Penetration Testing
        1. What is Penetration Testing
        2. Stages of Penetration Testing
      2. Perform Information Gathering
        1. Passive
          1. Internet
          2. Google dorks
          3. Shodan
          4. Maltego
        2. Active
          1. Nmap
      3. Vulnerability Scanning
        1. OpenVAS
        2. Nessus
      4. Capture Traffic
        1. Wireshark
        2. tcpdump
      5. Common web application attacks
    2. Kali Linux
      1. Getting Started with Kali Linux
      2. Basic Commands
      3. Essential Tools
        1. Nmap
        2. Aircrack-ng
        3. John the ripper
        4. Hydra
        5. SET
        6. Burpsuite
    3. Social Enginnering
  3. Premium
    1. Standard of Penetration Testing
      1. Intro to Penetration Testing
        1. What is Penetration Testing
        2. Stages of Penetration Testing
          1. Intelligence Gatthering
          2. Threat modeling
          3. Vulnarability analysis
      2. Lab setup
      3. Perform Information Gathering
        1. Passive
          1. Internet
          2. Google dorks
          3. Shodan
          4. Maltego
        2. Active
          1. Nmap
      4. Vulnerability Scanning
        1. OpenVAS
        2. Nessus
      5. Capture Traffic
        1. Wireshark
        2. tcpdump
      6. Common web application attacks
    2. Kali Linux
      1. Getting Started with Kali Linux
      2. Basic Commands
      3. Scripting in kali linux
      4. Essential Tools
        1. Nmap
        2. Aircrack-ng
        3. John the ripper
        4. Hydra
        5. SET
        6. Burpsuite
    3. Social Enginnering
      1. What is social enginnering
      2. Tools
      3. Campain for social enginnering
    4. Metasploit
      1. Introduction
      2. Finding module
      3. Options
      4. Shells
      5. Payloads
      6. Working with msfvenom'
    5. Password attacks
      1. wordlists
      2. Offline password attacks
      3. online password attacks
  4. Earning Money Through Hacking