1. About the Book
    1. an XMind multimap by Eric Bouchet Book (c) 2014 by Francis Wade full credits, see submap
  2. Understanding the Concepts
    1. The big picture
      1. life in the workplace is changing fast
      2. 9 research-backed facts
        1. on workplace productivity
      3. 15 symptoms
        1. of "not having enough time"
      4. "Time cannot be managed in any sense"
        1. Dr Brigitte Claessens
    2. who do you think you are ?
      1. you already have
        1. a functioning system
          1. in place
      2. you developped it
        1. in your teens
      3. this book is different
    3. how to set new improvement milestones
      1. learning patterns
        1. andragogy
        2. pedagogy
        3. heutagogy
      2. 3 ways
        1. ignore and mimic
        2. understand and mimic
        3. understand and flexibly apply
      3. set your own goals
        1. coach and trainee
          1. at the same time
    4. what's happening behind the scenes
      1. new definition
        1. time demand
          1. an internal, individual commitment
          2. to complete an action
          3. in the future
      2. 2 models to approach time demands
        1. physical objects
        2. biological entities
  3. 7 essential fundamentals
    1. Capturing
      1. The process of storing time demands in a safe place for later retrieval
      2. Manual Capture Points
      3. Automatic Capture Points
    2. Emptying
      1. Moving time demands from capture points
      2. Prioritizing
      3. Goal = Create a Plan
    3. Tossing
      1. Lightening your load
    4. Acting Now
      1. Gaining immediate relief
        1. while avoiding a dangerous detour
    5. Storing
      1. When a task cannot be performed right now
        1. without some piece of data
      2. not Paper
    6. Listing
      1. Safekeeping of time demands in a collection for later action
      2. different models
    7. Scheduling
      1. Putting all time demands in a schedule
      2. benefits of electronic schedulers
  4. Putting your master plan together
    1. Craft your master plan
      1. bring together
        1. all 7 planning sheets
      2. make
        1. a master list
        2. on a piece of paper
        3. all changes for next 3 months
        4. without date
      3. make
        1. a single new plan
      4. continue
        1. planning in 3 month increments
      5. PAUSE
    2. when putting together the plan
      1. look to
        1. convert
          1. behaviours
        2. into
          1. habits
      2. plan
        1. conservatively
      3. combine
        1. low-hanging fruits
      4. pay attention
        1. to weak fundamentals
      5. don't be daunted by
        1. a long planning horizon
      6. focus on
        1. working with
          1. tiny habits
      7. don't worry about
        1. how
          1. you'll keep the momentum going
      8. use
        1. lots of
          1. reminders
  5. 4 advanced fundamentals
    1. Warning
      1. Alerts from your system
        1. when something is not working
    2. Reviewing
      1. your process
      2. the content
    3. Switching
      1. Deciding what to do next
      2. easier if you use your schedule
        1. to manage your tasks
    4. Interrupting
      1. forget clock-checking
      2. create event-based cues
  6. advanced topics
    1. Flowing
      1. To master flowing
        1. Conscious Awareness
        2. Peace of Mind
          1. around time demands
        3. Turn the Flow state
          1. On
          2. Off
        4. Limit
          1. random human interruptions
        5. Schedule
          1. time
        6. Mobile alerts
        7. Manage
          1. random noise
          2. visual distractions
        8. Resist
          1. temptation to
          2. multitask
        9. Make skillfull interruptions
    2. Habiting
      1. 4-phase model
        1. Honeymoon phase
        2. Fight thru
        3. Second Nature
        4. Permanence
      2. Skill of Habiting
        1. Set up
          1. a habit change support system
        2. Establish a process
          1. for getting back on track
        3. Mitigate
          1. your weakest moments
        4. Create plans
          1. made up of
          2. small steps
        5. Use
          1. feedback tracking
  7. Creating your own ladders of improvement
    1. Clearly define
      1. the new behavior
    2. Outline specific
      1. sub-skills
      2. practices
    3. For each sub-skill
      1. define extremes in performance
    4. Fill in the gaps between
      1. highest
      2. and lowest performers
    5. Score yourself
      1. set
        1. new targets
      2. create plans
        1. to fill gaps
      3. set up
        1. a support system