1. www.kickboardforteachers.com/
  2. www.learningmate.com/
  3. www.wirelessgeneration.com/
  4. www.go-eknowledge.com/lms.htm
  5. www.anewspring.com/
  6. www.knewton.com/
  7. www.vschoolz.com/
  8. www.educatek12.com
  9. www.sungard.com/k-12
  10. www.edmodo.com/features
  11. www.showevidence.com/
  12. www.agilix.com/products/buzz/
  13. www.xyleme.com/
  14. www.spiraluniverse.com/
  15. www.khanacademy.org/about
  16. www.openbadges.org/
  17. www.dreambox.com/
  18. Agilix Buzz
    1. Strengths
      1. Ability Grouping
      2. Mastery Based
      3. Student based management
    2. Considerations
      1. Student based management
      2. Requires change of classroom environments
  19. Edmodo
    1. Strengths
      1. Insights allow for actionable feedback
      2. Dashboard approach to encourage proactive conversation
      3. LMS and performance system integrated
    2. Considerations
      1. No connection to local student information system
      2. Proprietary system
  20. Show Evidence
    1. Strengths
      1. Evidence Based
      2. Performance system for students and staff
      3. Accountability measures for professional development
      4. Badging Options
    2. Considerations
      1. Isn't testing based, but competency based
      2. Artifact based system requires design thinking
      3. Requires development team to create assessments
  21. Performance Plus
    1. Strengths
      1. National, State, and Local benchmarking
      2. Longitudinal achievement data
      3. Integration with their other products
    2. Considerations
      1. No connection to other organizational data
      2. No apparent LMS integration
      3. Requires other products to take advantage of all options
  22. Educate K12
    1. Strengths
      1. Fully integrated LMS
      2. Formative and Summative Comprehensive Assessments
      3. Powerful data analytics
    2. Considerations
      1. Fairly new compared to many other options
      2. Isn't testing based, but competency based
  23. Bredge
    1. Strengths
      1. Teacher published resources and assessments
      2. Web based
      3. Bilingual interface
      4. Distribution reports for performance
    2. Considerations
      1. Corporate oriented systems
      2. Not a very modern flow for an LMS
      3. Apparent lack of synchronous learning options
  24. WirelessGeneration
    1. Strengths
      1. Offers services through custom partnerships
      2. Integrates data across systems, beyond a simple single sign on.
      3. Educator friendly
    2. Considerations
      1. Disconnected from LMS objects
      2. Completely proprietary software
      3. Requires many levels of professional development
  25. Kickboard
    1. Strengths
      1. Behavioral analysis
      2. Community engagement
      3. SiS integration
    2. Considerations
      1. High priority on character assessment over academic
      2. No LMS integration
  26. Learning Mate
    1. Strengths
      1. LMS Cartridge for simple integration
      2. Multiple LMS partners
      3. Quick transition across platforms
    2. Considerations
      1. Hard to find data systems
      2. Almost too many options
      3. May require additional procurement to access all tools
  27. Knewton
    1. Strengths
      1. Large publisher base
      2. Adaptive learning platform
      3. Huge data pool
    2. Considerations
      1. Pulls data outside of local agency for comparison
      2. Separate products for purchase
  28. VSchoolz
    1. Strengths
      1. Extremely comprehensive set of tools
      2. Comparitive measurements locally, state-wide, and nationally
      3. vPortfolio for alternative assessment data
    2. Considerations
      1. Must choose how you want to assemble content
      2. Extremely wide range of tools, hard to decide where to start
  29. Khan's Back End
    1. Strengths
      1. Unique blending of videos & interactions
      2. Student oriented goals & badges
      3. Data reporting on content creation & consumption
      4. Targeted interventions
    2. Considerations
      1. Reliance on Youtube for access
      2. Completely open access to entire curriculum at once
      3. Learning curve for data reporting
  30. Macarthur Mozilla
    1. Strengths
      1. Badge Backpack toolkit allows for easy management
      2. Can contribute to badging worldwide
      3. Attention getting and engaging
    2. Considerations
      1. Requires IT staffing to deploy
      2. Highly technical implementation
      3. Requires integration with an SIS or personal profile
  31. Dreambox
    1. Strengths
      1. Adaptive online learning
      2. Metrics captured during student interactions
      3. Nearly unlimited number of pathways
    2. Considerations
      1. Online elementary math only
      2. Very limited audience
      3. Standalone system
  32. Spiral Universe
    1. Strengths
      1. Cloud based setup
      2. User friendly environment
      3. Free
      4. Create assignments and quizzes in many formats
    2. Considerations
      1. No personalized learning options
      2. Simply grading and data reporting
      3. Cost for data conversion and migration
  33. http://www.anewspring.com/
    1. Strengths
      1. Adaptive Learning Platform
      2. Free to start
      3. LMS environment
      4. Templating options across all levels of development and reporting
    2. Considerations
      1. Free to premium pricing ranges greatly
      2. Independent and proprietary system
      3. Lack of additional tools requires use of third-party applications
  34. Xyleme
    1. Strengths
      1. Single source course for print, eLearning, & mobile output
      2. Many open options for publishing
      3. Ease of use allows for quick updates of learning interactions
    2. Considerations
      1. Another new proprietary system requires manual migration from current system
      2. Data reporting collection options are unclear
      3. Very few predetermined performance assessments already in place