1. Political
  2. Economic
  3. Social
  4. The "PESTLE" template is a useful tool for understanding the environment of an enterprise or system. It provides a checklist of Political, Economic, Social, Technology, legal and Environmental factors. Metaphor: a mortar and pestle provides an environment for crushing, grinding and mixing.
  5. Technology
  6. Legal
  7. Environmental
  8. Tax policies, trade restrictions, tariffs, political stability, industries encouraged or discouraged, influence on health, education, and infrastructure.
  9. Business cycles, interest rates, exchange rates, money supply, inflation, unemployment, disposable income, availability and cost of energy, impact of globalisation.
  10. Attitude to mental and physical health, population growth rate, age distribution, social mobility, career attitudes, work ethics, lifestyle changes and attitude to safety.
  11. Research and development activity, protection and support for innovation and invention, level of automation, technology incentives, rate of technological change, technical barriers to entry and minimum efficient production levels.
  12. Legislation, laws and regulations govenring contracts, discrimination, consumer protection, competition, employment, health and safety and the environment.
  13. Weather, climate, climate change, waste, carbon trading and conservation