1. security
    1. SQL injection
      1. solution
        1. Parameterized Query
          1. PDO
          2. use parameters query
          3. ORM
          4. don't use where raw
      2. example
        1. SQL map
    2. XSS
      1. solution
        1. htmlentities()
        2. htmlspecialchars()
      2. example
        1. 輸入 <script>alert('hahaha')</script> 在一個 form 裡,其他使用者觀看時就會出現彈出視窗
    3. CSRF
      1. solution
        1. token
    4. Remote File Inclusion
  2. git
    1. config
      1. project
        1. .git
          1. config
        2. .gitignore
        3. .gitkeep
      2. global
        1. etc/gitconfig
      3. personal
        1. ~/.gitconfig
          1. name
          2. email
    2. gitolite
      1. rename repo name
    3. command
      1. local
        1. checkout
          1. path
          2. brachname
          3. [--theris or --ours] [path]
        2. Inspection and Comparison
          1. show
          2. log
          3. diff
        3. Branching and Merging
          1. stash
          2. pop
          3. drop
          4. list
          5. branch
          6. -D
          7. -m
          8. tag
          9. tag -a [tag name] -m "message"
          10. git push origin [tagname]
        4. Administration
          1. gc
          2. clean
        5. Patching
          1. revert
          2. rebase
          3. cherry-pick
        6. Basic
          1. reset
        7. debug
          1. blame
      2. remote
        1. match remote and origin branch
          1. remote show origin
          2. branch --set-upstream-to local-branch-name origin/remote-branch-name
  3. System
    1. tools
      1. xshell
    2. webserver
      1. nginx
        1. config
          1. /ect/nginx
        2. log
          1. var/logs/nginx
    3. php
      1. php-fpm
      2. php-modules
      3. pecl
      4. php
        1. -i
          1. --info
        2. -v
          1. --version
        3. -f
          1. --file
        4. -r
          1. --run
        5. -m
          1. --modules
        6. config
          1. php.ini
    4. nc -vz ip port
    5. cronjob
      1. /etc/crontab
    6. user
      1. id
    7. file
      1. mod
      2. owner
  4. database
    1. table
      1. field
        1. separated by _
        2. timestamp vs datetime
      2. option
        1. row format
        2. collate
          1. utf8_general_ci
          2. utf8_unicode_ci
      3. data types
        1. string
          1. VARCAHR
          2. TEXT
          3. ENUM
          4. SET
        2. number
          1. tinyint
          2. int
          3. bigint
          4. facebook id
        3. date
          1. DATETIME
          2. TIMESTAMP
        4. IP
          1. Unsigned Integer
          2. INET_ATON
          3. address to number
          4. INET_NTOA
          5. number to address
      4. index
        1. idx_xxx
      5. storage engine
        1. innodb
        2. myISAM
    2. SQL
    3. tools
      1. navicat
        1. 結構同步
        2. 資料同步
    4. Stored Procedure
      1. sp
  5. Front-End
    1. HTML
      1. html5
    2. CSS
      1. position
    3. Javascript
      1. asynchronous
      2. JQuery Best Practices
        1. load cdn and then local
        2. jQuery Variables
        3. Selectors
        4. Append
        5. Event Handling
        6. Ajax
      3. Review
        1. Y Slow
        2. Google Page Speed
        3. GTmetrix
        4. SEO
          1. clean url
          2. Meta tags
          3. slug
          4. Google Web Master
      4. Ref
        1. http://gregfranko.com/jquery-best-practices/#/
        2. http://lab.abhinayrathore.com/jquery-standards/
  6. Php
    1. Coding Style
      1. psr
      2. PHP CodeSniffer
    2. API
      1. response according HTTP status code
    3. Benchmark
      1. The PHP Benchmark
        1. http://phpbench.com/
    4. OOP
      1. Basic
        1. class
        2. properties
        3. method
        4. trait
        5. interface
      2. SOLID
      3. Design Pattern
        1. Factory
        2. Singleton
        3. Strategy
        4. Front Controller
          1. clean url
        5. Model-View-Controller
    5. Magic Methods
      1. __autoload
      2. __get
      3. __set
      4. __isset
      5. __unset
      6. __wakeup
      7. __sleep
      8. __clone
        1. clone
      9. __toString
      10. __invoke
      11. __callstatic/__call
      12. __construct
      13. __destruct
      14. __set_state
        1. var_export
    6. reflection
    7. Reference
      1. PHP The Right Way
      2. PHP Best Practices
        1. https://phpbestpractices.org/#utf-8
      3. PHP Bridge
        1. http://docs.phpbridge.org/intro-to-php/
    8. Package
      1. Composer
      2. pear
  7. Laravel
    1. MVC
      1. Model
        1. CRUD
      2. View
        1. show
      3. Controller
        1. session
        2. input
        3. output
      4. Middleware
    2. form small to large
      1. mvc
      2. msvc
      3. mrcvc
      4. ddd
    3. Example
    4. Services
      1. Log
      2. Mail
      3. Testing
      4. Write Package
        1. Package Development
      5. Command
        1. Queue
        2. Task Scheduling
        3. Event
        4. Command Bus
      6. View
        1. Localization
      7. Model
        1. Cache
      8. Service
        1. Collection
      9. Controller
        1. Validation
    5. Database
      1. ORM
    6. Collection
  8. Test
    1. unit test
      1. phpunit
    2. Integration Test
    3. Functional Test
      1. selenium
    4. Stress Test
      1. apache ab