1. 6PH01 Physics on the Go
    1. Mechanics
      1. Equations of motion
      2. Vectors of motion
      3. Free body diagrams
      4. F=MA
      5. W=MG
      6. E=0.5mv^2
      7. E=mgh
      8. Conservation of energy
      9. W=F$S
      10. Power (work done over time)
    2. Materials
      1. Density
      2. Laminar Flow
      3. Streamline flow
      4. Terminal Velocity
      5. Turbulent flow
      6. Upthrust
      7. Viscous drag
      8. F=6pinrv
      9. Upthrust = weight of fluid displaced
      10. Viscosities change with temperature
      11. Force-extension graph
      12. Stress-strain graphs
      13. limit of proportionality
      14. elastic limit
      15. yield point
      16. Hooke's law (F=k$x)
      17. Youngs Modulus
      18. tensile/compressive stress
      19. tensile/compressive strain
      20. strength
      21. breaking stress
      22. stiffness
      23. elastic and plastic deformation
      24. brittle
      25. ductile
      26. hard
      27. malleable
      28. stiff
      29. tough
      30. E=0.5fx
  2. 6PH02 Physics at Work
    1. Waves
      1. amplitude, frequency, wavelength
      2. electromagnetic spectrum uses
      3. v=fx
      4. wavefront
      5. coherence
      6. path difference
      7. superposition
      8. phase
      9. difference between path difference and phase difference
      10. explain standing wave
      11. refractive index
      12. plane polarised light
      13. diffraction and gap size
      14. particle wave duality theory
      15. waves originate in general at interface between media
      16. pulse-echo technique
      17. Doppler effect
    2. D.C Electricity
      1. I=Q/T
      2. V=W/Q
      3. current, voltage, resistance - series and parrallel
      4. P=VI, W=VIt, P=I^2R, P=V^2/R
      5. R=V/I
      6. Ohms law, I proportional to V
      7. Potential difference-current graphs
      8. R=pl/A
      9. emf and internal resistance
      10. I=nqvA
      11. change of temperature with resistance
    3. Nature of light
      1. terms of waves and photons
      2. absorption of photon results in emission of a photoelectron
      3. threshold frequency and work function
      4. hf=o + 0.5mv^2
      5. electronvolt
      6. E=hf
      7. atomic line spectra
      8. radiation flux, power per unit area
      9. efficiency
      10. wave and photon models, understanding of nature of light
      11. science is used by society, stuff like that renewable etc
  3. 6PH04 Physics on the Move
    1. Further mechanics
      1. p=mv
      2. principle of conservation to linear momentum
      3. change in momentum (Newton 2nd)
      4. E=p^2/2m
      5. momentum of particles, vectors, one and two dimensions
      6. conservation of energy
      7. angular displacement
      8. v=Wr
      9. T=2pi/W
      10. resultant force required to maintain circular motion
      11. F=ma=mv^2/r
      12. a=v^2/r
      13. a=rW^2
    2. Particle physics
      1. nucleon number
      2. proton number
      3. large angle alpha particles
      4. electrons are released by thermionic emission, accelerated by magnetic fields
      5. electric and magentic fields in accelerators
      6. r=p/BQ
      7. charge, energy, momentum are always conserved
      8. high energies are required to break particles
      9. E=c^2m
      10. MeV/c^2
      11. atomic mass unit u
      12. relativistic effects near the speed of light
      13. quark-lepton model of particles
      14. antiquarks
      15. intepret equations using standard nuclear notation
      16. debroglies wavelength l=h/p
    3. Electric and Magnetic fields
      1. explain electric field
      2. E=F/Q
      3. lines of force diagrams, radial and uniform
      4. F=kQQ/r^2
      5. k=1/4pi%
      6. E=kQ/r^2
      7. applying a voltage across two parrallel plates produces a uniform electric field in the area between them
      8. W=0.5QV
      9. C=Q/V
      10. W=0.5CV^2
      11. resistor-capacitor circuit graphs are exponential
      12. time constant
      13. Q=Q0e^-t/CR
      14. magnetic flux density, flux, flux linkage
      15. F=BIL
      16. F=BqV
      17. emf in a coil, motion between magnet and coil, change in current
      18. e= -d(N&)/dt Faraday's law
      19. Lenz's law
  4. 6PH05 Physics from creation to collapse
    1. Thermal Energy
      1. E=mc
      2. internal energy as random distribution of potential and kinetic
      3. absolute zero
      4. 0.5m<c^2> = 3/2 kT
      5. pV=NkT
    2. Nuclear decay
      1. awareness of existence of background radiation
      2. nuclear radiations
      3. spontaneous and random nature of nuclear decay
      4. half life, radioactive decay
      5. radioactive materials, ethical issues
    3. Oscillations
      1. F=-kx
      2. a=-W^2x
      3. a= -AW^2cosWt
      4. v=AWsinWt
      5. x= AcosWt
      6. T= 1/f = 2pi/W
      7. displacement-time graph, gradient gives velocity at a point
      8. total energy remains constant in simple harmonic system
      9. free, damped, forced oscillations
      10. amplitude changes at natural frequency, how does damping affect it
      11. damping and plastic deformation of ductile materials reduce amplitude of oscillation
    4. Astrophysics and Cosmology
      1. F=Gmm/r^2
      2. g = -Gm/r^2
      3. similarities and differences between electric and gravitational fields
      4. flux, luminosity, distance, F=L/4pid^2
      5. distances and trigonometric parallax, measurements of radiation flux, objects of known luminosity
      6. Hertzsprung-Russell diagram to relate luminosity to temperature. life cycle of stars
      7. L = oT^4x surface area (Stefan-Boltzmann law for black body radiators)
      8. lmax T=2.898x10-3mK (Weins Law) black body radiators
      9. z = $l/l source of electromagnetic radiation moving relative to an observer
      10. v= H0d for objects at cosmological distances
      11. controversy over ultimate fate of the universe - hubble constant and possible dark matter
      12. E=mc^2 mass defecit
      13. nuclear fission and fusion
      14. high densities of matter at high temperature to sustain fusion