1. Gas Giants
    1. Charateristics
      1. no composed of rock or any solid matter
      2. thick atmosphere
      3. contain a solid core
      4. primary atmospheres
        1. captured from the solar nebula
  2. Dwarf Planets
    1. Characteristics
      1. orbits sun
      2. has its own gravity
        1. maintains shape
      3. not a satalite
  3. Jupiter
    1. composition
      1. hydrogen
      2. helium
    2. largest planet
      1. larger in diameter
    3. Moons
      1. Four
        1. Io
        2. Europa
        3. Ganymede
        4. Callisto
    4. Characteristics
      1. shortest day
        1. 10hrs
      2. red spot
        1. storm
  4. Saturn
    1. composition
      1. hydrogen
      2. helium
  5. Uranus
    1. composition
      1. water
      2. ammonia
      3. methane
  6. Pluto
    1. 9th planet from the sun
    2. Characteristics
      1. rock and ice
      2. 1/5 mass of Earths Moon
      3. 1/3 volume of earths Moon
      4. Highly inclined orbit
        1. 30-49AU away form the sun
          1. sometimes closer to sun then neptune
    3. Moons
      1. one large
        1. Charon
      2. small
        1. Nix
        2. Hydra
  7. Rock Planets
    1. Charateristics
      1. silicate rocks
      2. inner planets closest to the sun
      3. iron core
        1. silicate mantle
      4. craters,volcanos,mountains ect.
      5. secondary atmospheres
  8. Earth
    1. Moons
      1. one
        1. Luna
    2. contains water in all states
    3. only one containing life
  9. Mars
    1. moons
      1. two
        1. Phobos
        2. Deimos
    2. contains largest volcano in solar system
  10. Venus
    1. moons
      1. none
    2. highest albedo
    3. clockwise spin
    4. hottest planet
    5. charateristic
      1. clouds made of sulfuric acid
      2. surface smoothed by volcano flows
      3. 1 day=243 earth days
  11. Mercury
    1. features
      1. Moons
        1. none
      2. largest day night temp. difference
      3. cliffs
      4. spin of 1407.6hrs
  12. Neptune
    1. composition
      1. water
      2. ammonia
      3. methane
    2. Charactersistics
      1. fourth largest planet in diameter
  13. Olympus Mons
  14. Ceres
    1. Characterisitcs
      1. smallest identified dwarf planet
      2. only one in asteroid belt
      3. diameter of 950 km
      4. largest body in asteroid belt
  15. Haumea
  16. Makemake
  17. Eris