You’ll improve core definition and performance
Transverse abdominis
- increased ability to lift heavier weights
Rectus adbominis
- improved sports performance
Oblique muscles
- improved capacity for stable side-bending and waist-twisting
- a supported back and a strong, shapely booty
You’ll decrease your risk of injury in the back and spinal column
- will ensure that you burn more energy even when sedentary
- provide an enhanced metabolic rate
- ensure that that metabolic rate remains high all day long
- You’ll experience an increased boost to your overall metabolism
You’ll significantly improve your posture
- you will be able to maintain proper posture at all times
- You’ll improve overall balance
You’ll become more flexible than ever before
- expands and stretches all your posterior muscle groups
- stretching your hamstrings, arches of your feet, and toes
You’ll witness mental benefits
- excellent means of improving overall mood
- treat anxiety and symptoms of depression
- calm your brain