1. Ur-Continents
  2. Continental Drift
    1. Pioneer
    2. Vocab
      1. Plate
        1. Pieces of crust containing continent or ocean sliding on liquid rock
      2. Continents are not plates exactly
    3. Earths Layers
    4. Convection in the Mantle
    5. Dualism of Plates
      1. Continental Plate
      2. Sea Plate
    6. Two plates meet, what happens?
      1. Convergence
        1. Collision
          1. Mountain Building
        2. Subduction
          1. Moving underneath
      2. Divergent
        1. Rifting
        2. Seafloor Spreading
          1. a specific type of rifting happening between oceanic plates
          2. Mid-Atlantic ~ 2.5cm per ear
          3. East Pacific Rise
      3. Transform
        1. When two plates move in opposite directions aside one another
        2. causes earthquakes
    7. Volcanos
      1. Subduction Zones
        1. everything is still moving and influencing it from the center.
        2. Volcano Eyk...
          1. Shot ash into the jet stream
      2. Hot Spots
        1. Places in the seafloor crust where magma rises
        2. there is a weakness in the upper plate that causes it to erupt
  3. Fault Zones
  4. Major Time Periods
    1. Geologic Time
      1. Pangea Closest Super Continent
        1. Triassic: Mammals & Dinosaurs
        2. 30 mya the plants came to be wehere they are now
  5. Paleoclimate
    1. Looking at fossils we can conjecture what the climate was on pangea
    2. Evidence
      1. Fossils
        1. Animals
        2. Plant Fossils
      2. Movement of plates now
      3. Paleomagnetism
  6. New World Primates
    1. How to relate old world and new world primates.
    2. We have evidence for raft theory of rats
  7. Modern Effects
    1. Himalayas
      1. Collided with the Eurasian plate
      2. Ideally, not of the continent is subducted
      3. grows about 5mm a year
    2. Ring of Fire
      1. 2/3s fo the world's active volcanos
    3. Earthquakes
      1. California Earthquake
        1. Transform boundary
        2. San Andreas Fault
    4. Old Faithful
      1. Rising magma and heat encounter ground water
      2. Ground water is super-heated
      3. 90 minute intervals
  8. Future?
    1. A di-continental configuration