1. Topic
    1. Topic
  2. Job Goal / Description 工作目標與內容
    1. To Manage Projects 管理各項專案
      1. To clarify scope/spec/requirement from sales/customer 經由業務/客戶來釐清範圍、規格、需求定義。
      2. To get approval from customer. 取得客戶認可 (各階段)
        1. Specified Components
        2. Products Design
        3. Engineering Changes
        4. Mass Production
      3. To own works 掌握自我工作
        1. To create plan 做出計畫
        2. To build team 建立團隊
        3. To setup goal 設定目標
        4. To breakdown work 分解工作
        5. To assign tasks 分配任務
        6. To review results 檢討結果
        7. To report status 報告結果
        8. To make progress 獲致進度
      4. To ensure that 確使…
        1. customer requirement can be fulfilled. 客戶需求獲致達成
        2. plans agreed by all people. 計畫獲致全員讚同
        3. team people do the thing right. 團隊成員把事情做對
        4. results are as expectation. 結果能符合預期
        5. all exception be solved soon. 例外事件被快速解決
      5. To complete project as product development goal. 達成專案執行目標
        1. Quality 品質
        2. Time 時點
        3. Cost / Material 成本/材料
      6. To ensure maintain work can follow requirement. 確使後續維護能持續進行
    2. To Complete tasks assigned from supervisor, or bosses. 完成主管或各老闆的交付任務
  3. Skills Required 技能需求
    1. Well to lead/communicate team members. 善於領導/溝通團隊成員
      1. Meeting 會議進行 ***
      2. Chinese/English Docs 中英文書面文件
      3. PDCA+S 管理循環+分享
      4. Lessons Learn 學習經驗
    2. Excellent to use PC tools. 擅於運用電腦及工具
      1. Well to create project plan. 擅於製作專案計畫
        1. Office
        2. Project - Schedule
        3. Mail System - Outlook
        4. WBS / Mind map
        5. Workflow / KM
      2. Well to make project report. 擅於製作專案報告
      3. Well to presentation proposal and progress. 擅於簡報提案和進度報告
    3. Rapidly to solve problems by teamwork. 快速地經由團隊來解決處理問題
    4. Fluently language expression. 流利無障礙的語文表達
      1. Mandarin
      2. English
      3. Japanese
    5. Able to drive automobile is plus 能夠駕駛車輛為佳
  4. Background Required 背景需求
    1. Experiences 經驗
      1. Production/Service Operation 相關產業產品服務實務經驗
      2. Product R&D development 產品研發經驗(Option)
      3. Product management 產品管理經驗
      4. Work with team/org. 團隊組織工作經驗
    2. Knowledge 知識
      1. Professional Domain Know-how 產業產品服務相關專業理論
      2. Project management - 9 areas 專案管理- 九大知識領域
      3. ISO Process/SOP for production 國際ISO流程/標準流程 製造生產
      4. QA Methodology 品保手法
      5. Professional Certification 專業認證
    3. Personality 特質
      1. Open Mind 開放的思維 (可塑性)
      2. Like to comm with people 喜歡與人溝通
      3. Think logistically 邏輯性的思考
      4. Positive attitude 正面的態度
      5. Proactive action 務實積極的行動
      6. Integrity and Honest 正直誠實的品性
      7. Willing to meet challenges. 願意面對挑戰
    4. Others 其它
      1. Welling to travel and able to mobile work. 願意出差 並可以行動中工作
      2. 學歷、科系不是很重要 → 著重實務的歷鍊和知識的累積
  5. Performance & Incentive 績效評比
    1. Appraisal 績效評核
      1. Project Plan 專案計畫團隊 40%
      2. Project Execution 專案執行控管 40%
      3. Project Results 專案產出結果 20%
    2. Benefits 福利
      1. Vocations 假期
      2. Travel 旅遊
      3. Allowance 津貼
    3. Reward 獎勵措施
      1. Salary 固定月薪 x 12
      2. Bonus 年終加酬 x 3
      3. Profit Share 利潤分紅
      4. Award 績效獎金
    4. Position 位階
      1. Seniority 年資
      2. Title 職銜
      3. Hierarchy 等級