Abstract/big idea
- classify radiation as poisson
- find general properties of radiation here
- estimate and compare behaviour at 1s window size
- idea of Poisson distribution
- examples of it
- general acceptance of radiation as poisson
Methods and Materials
- scintillator/pmt for data collection
- voltage source to limit at upper level
- MATLAB for data analysis
Results and Discussion
results for 10ms - 800ms
- averages
- theoretical standard deviation
- data standard deviation
- percent error
- all above in rad events/sec
- calculate events per sec from above
- estimate for 1 sec window (2 sec for final)
- graphs of everything in probability as a function of number
- Radiation fits accepted Poisson
- able to estimate 1 sec window pretty well
- Gold's Manual?
- Taylor's book
- Koch's paper
Figures to Have
- table of all raw data in 10 ms- 800 ms
- graph of several as probabilities
- graph of several on same to demonstrate spreading
- table of 1 sec estimate and real, plus ave, standard deviation etc
- graph of function of 1sec versus data
Issues and Further Ideas
- by itself this lab doesn't have a lot going for it what can I add
- estimate both 1 sec and 10 ms?
- generate and run off of computer?
- estimate and collect data on larger windows down the line, 2 sec 10 sec?