1. Wants, Needs & Expectations
    1. County
    2. Police Staff
      1. Network Staffing Model
        1. Internal Justice
        2. Fairness
        3. Have a Voice in Policy
        4. Engaged in Process
    3. Business Community
    4. Procedural Justice - Community
      1. Legitimacy
        1. Public Trust
        2. Deference to Police
        3. Morally Justified
      2. Justice
        1. Have a Voice
        2. Respect -Treated Fairly
        3. Rule-of-Law
        4. Unbiased - Fact Based
  2. Personality
    1. Practical
    2. Romantic
  3. Crime Strategies
    1. Technology
      1. RMS
      2. GIS Analysis
      3. GIS/TARP/SOS
      4. MDT
      5. LiveScan
      6. Barcode/eTickets
    2. Procedural Justice
    3. Staffing
      1. Analysis
      2. Allocation Review
      3. Deployment
    4. Focus
      1. Outcomes v. Imputes
      2. GIS - Predictive Analysis
      3. Evidence Based Policing
        1. Data Driven Decision
    5. Policing Composite
      1. Community Policing
        1. Community Concerns
        2. Projected Based
        3. Broad Based
        4. Macro Focus
      2. Evidenced Based
        1. Researched Based
        2. Outcome Driven
        3. Academic Research
      3. Problem Oriented
        1. Crime Based
        2. Specific to Area
        3. Micro focus
      4. Intelligence-Led
        1. Local Control
        2. Relations in Field
        3. Partnerships
        4. Capacity through Planning
    6. Mission
      1. Crime Control
        1. Enforcement v. Outcomes
      2. Community Policing
        1. Community Engagement
        2. Non-Enforcement Encounters
        3. Multi-Dicipline Team Approach
        4. Youth Programs
  4. Emergency Management
    1. TTU
    2. Range Training/Redo Tactics
    3. OEM & Special Events Planning
      1. 2088 Pres. Lead
      2. 9/11 Capt.
      3. Immigration Protest
  5. Diversity Inside v. Outside
    1. Education/Prof dev.
      1. FBI/NA
      2. SMIP
      3. NPS
      4. LEEDS
      5. BA/MAIS
    2. Command History
      1. FCPD
      2. NCIS
      3. ACPD/Flynn
      4. ACPD/Scott
      1. ETOP
      2. NIJ Grant Review
      3. IACP Reader
      4. VACHIEF- Strategic Planning
  6. Why Now?
    1. Professional Growth
    2. Right Team
    3. Opportunity
    4. Convergence
      1. Convergence
      2. Generation X
      3. Evidence Based
  7. Why Me?
    1. Experience in Arlington
      1. OPS Civic Assn
      2. Regional/ GOG ETC
      3. XMT 10+
      4. All Divisions OPS/CID /SMD
    2. Credibility
      1. Internal
      2. External
        1. County XMT
        2. CMO
      3. Civilian
        1. Policy
        2. GIS
        3. IT
    3. Demonstrated Leadership
      1. Internal PD
        1. Led SMP
        2. RMS Project
        3. Range Project
        4. 2008 Inguration Lead
      2. Regional - NoVA-COG
      3. Executive Staff Arlington
  8. Pros
    1. 25 yrs in County
    2. 12 Exec Staff
      1. Ext Leadership Training
      2. Excellent Tech Skills
    3. 6 yrs. SMD
      1. HR
        1. New Screening Test
        2. Military / LE Exp Waiver
      2. Training
        1. TTU
        2. Expanded FTO
        3. Expand Recruitment
      3. Budget
        1. $68M Budget
        2. 6 Budget Cycles
      4. Technology
        1. RMS Project
        2. Live Scan Hack Office
        3. POS to Front CTR
      5. Policy
      6. Planning
        1. Public Safety Advisory
    4. 5 Years Ops
      1. Civic
      2. Traffic
      3. Transportation
      4. Emergency Management
        1. 2008 Pres Ing. Lead
        2. Immigration Protest
        3. Pentagon Protest
    5. 4 Years CID
  9. Roles
    1. County Board
      1. Progarms
      2. Citizen Concerns
      3. County Governance
    2. CMO
      1. Day to Day
      2. Assit CBO
      3. Manage Dept.
      4. Grams/Projects
    3. Departments/Subordinates
      1. Communicate Policy
      2. Manage Assets Assigned
      3. Provide Guidance
      4. Set Reality Base
      5. Coordinate Programs
      6. Set Direction
    4. Citizens
      1. Manage Expectations
      2. Provide Stats/Data
      3. Address Concerns
      4. Crime Prevention
        1. Community
        2. Business
        3. Parks/Rec
  10. Skills
    1. Strategic Planning
      1. VA Chiefs
      2. ACPD Lead
      3. ETOP/GOG
      4. NIJ Grant Review
    2. Planning
      1. Strategic Planning
      2. Tactical Planning
      3. Multi-Jurisdictional Events
    3. Budget
      1. 6 Cycles
      2. PS Cap. Group
      3. RMS & Range Funding
      4. Dulles Range
    4. Policy Dev.
      1. Emigration Policy
      2. Training Development
    5. Interpersonal
      1. DMF
      2. DES
      3. Parks & Rec
      4. Civic Process
      5. Business Community
  11. Challenges
    1. Crime & Response
      1. Community Focus
        1. District Teams
        2. SRO
        3. Convesation Based
        4. Civic Federation
        5. EPAC
      2. Stratigic Staffing
        1. Staffing Analysis
        2. Varied Beat Response
        3. Data Driven Response/Deployment
      3. Data Driven Response
        1. RMS
        2. Baher Crime View
      4. Evidence Based Policing
        1. Tactical Response
        2. Stratigic Response
    2. Diversity Inside & Out
      1. HR Recruitment
      2. Training Path
      3. Career Path Ofc / Supervisor
      4. Incentives
      5. Military/Prior Exp Waiver
    3. Technology Challenges
      1. InCar Camera
      2. Taser
      3. Need for National Standards
      4. BWC
        1. Cost
      5. RMS
        1. Cost
      6. Data Storage & Retention
      7. Social Media
    4. Policy & Oversight
      1. Transparency
      2. Inclusive
      3. Procedural Justice - See W/N/E
      4. Use Of Force - Key Policy
  12. Vision
    1. Criminal
    2. Internal
      1. Civilian Staff v. Sworn
        1. HR
          1. Police
          2. OEM
          3. ECC
    3. Organization
      1. Consolidated PS PIO
        1. Police
        2. Fire
        3. OEM
      2. Consolidated Budget Office
        1. Police
        2. Fire
        3. OEM
  13. Training & Education of Staff
    1. Problem Solving
      1. Cross Discipline Training
    2. Communication Skills
    3. Bias Awareness
    4. Crisis Intervention
    5. Mental health
  14. Internal Concerns
    1. Staffing
    2. Career Growth
    3. Civilian Retention
    4. Officer Benefits
    5. Recruitment
    6. Retention
    7. Employee Support