1. atenolol
    1. time:
    2. red m/m
    3. cost: $11.99/90 tablets
    4. apical pulse before admin
  2. losartan
    1. Time: am
    2. yellow m/m
    3. Cost: 219.97/90 tablets
    4. check b/p before
  3. potassium-HZT
    1. time: am
    2. yellow m/m
    3. cost: not listed
  4. simvastatin
    1. time: HS
    2. blue m/m
    3. cost: 427.14/90 tablets
  5. verapamil
    1. Time: pm w/milk
    2. green m/m
    3. Cost: 308.52/90 tablets
    4. check pulse and b/p before
  6. furosemide
    1. Time: am w/milk
    2. brown m/m
    3. Cost: 9.81/90 tablets
    4. check b/p before and during admin
  7. digoxin
    1. Time: hs
    2. white smarties
    3. Cost: 21.97/90 tablets
    4. check apical pulse full minute before admin
  8. warfarin
    1. Time: am
    2. yellow smarties
    3. Cost: 4mg cost n/a 5mg 34.99/90 tablets
    4. Must watch levels of Vit K foods
    5. Careful use of acetaminophen
    6. Watch garlic intake
  9. KCL
    1. Time: 7:30 w/meal, 5:30 w/ meal
    2. choc powder mix
    3. Cost: 53.94/ for 90 day supply
    4. drink slowly 5-10 min
  10. Finasteride
    1. Time: am
    2. pink smarties
    3. Cost: 199.98/90 tablets
  11. triamcinolone
    1. time: pm (missing dosage per day)
    2. vasoline
    3. Cost: not listed
    4. Wear gloves during application
  12. MOM
    1. Time: hs
    2. choc milk
    3. Cost: not listed
  13. Aleve
    1. Time: prn as needed -take 30min before meal
    2. orange m/m
    3. Be careful of injuries-prolonged bleeding time-use sparingly
    4. increased anticoagulant effect with garlic-watch garlic intake
    5. Cost: not listed
  14. TUMS
    1. Time: as needed for heartburn
    2. red skittles
    3. Cost: not listed
    4. watch for F/E signs
    5. Do not take with cereals or milk products
  15. multivitamin
    1. Time: am
    2. orange smarties
    3. Cost: not listed