1. Oppressive Learning Environments
    1. Fear
    2. Discipline
    3. Constant assessment
    4. Competitive
    5. Emotionally repressive
    6. Bullying
    7. Boredom
    8. Unenthusiastic teachers
    9. Judgemental
    10. Humiliation
    11. 'Receiving' knowledge
    12. 'Experts' teaching
    13. Acceptance of authority
    14. Preparation for waged work & consumerism
    15. Providing 'answers'
    16. Institutions only
    17. Hierarchy
  2. Key Aspects
    1. Commitment to transformation & solidarity
    2. Identifying & exposing power relations
    3. Re-learning our own histories of struggle
    4. Collective understanding of problems
    5. Starting from daily reality
    6. Connections between problems & everyday lives
    7. Inspiring social change
    8. Rooted in defiance, struggle & solidarity
  3. Pop. Ed Forum of Scotland definition
    1. 1. Rooted in the real interests & struggles of ordinary people
    2. 2. Overtly political and critical of the status quo
    3. 3. Committed to progressive social & political change
    4. 4. A curriculum which comes out of the concrete experience
    5. and material interests of people in communities of resistance and struggle
    6. 5. A pedagogy which is collective, primarily focused on group
    7. rather than individual learning & development
    8. 6. Attempts to forge a direct link between education and social action
  4. Liberatory Learning Environments
    1. Participatory
    2. Interactive
    3. Student/learner-led
    4. Interesting & engaging
    5. Relevant
    6. Supportive & friendly learning environment
    7. Learners given responsibility
    8. Building collective knowledge
    9. Participants active in how & what they learn
    10. Diversity of ways of learning
    11. Raising critical consciousness
    12. Values emotions
    13. Encouraging expression
    14. Breaking down hierarchy between teacher/learner
    15. Respectful
    16. Values life experiences/ learning by doing
    17. Asking questions
    18. Head, heart & hands
    19. Learning on many levels simultaneously
    20. Not passive, active creation of knowledge
    21. Collaboration & interaction
    22. Positive emotions enhance learning
    23. Learning 'everywhere' not just in institutions
    24. Shared connections