Oppressive Learning Environments
- Fear
- Discipline
- Constant assessment
- Competitive
- Emotionally repressive
- Bullying
- Boredom
- Unenthusiastic teachers
- Judgemental
- Humiliation
- 'Receiving' knowledge
- 'Experts' teaching
- Acceptance of authority
- Preparation for waged work & consumerism
- Providing 'answers'
- Institutions only
- Hierarchy
Key Aspects
- Commitment to transformation & solidarity
- Identifying & exposing power relations
- Re-learning our own histories of struggle
- Collective understanding of problems
- Starting from daily reality
- Connections between problems & everyday lives
- Inspiring social change
- Rooted in defiance, struggle & solidarity
Pop. Ed Forum of Scotland definition
- 1. Rooted in the real interests & struggles of ordinary people
- 2. Overtly political and critical of the status quo
- 3. Committed to progressive social & political change
- 4. A curriculum which comes out of the concrete experience
- and material interests of people in communities of resistance and struggle
- 5. A pedagogy which is collective, primarily focused on group
- rather than individual learning & development
- 6. Attempts to forge a direct link between education and social action
Liberatory Learning Environments
- Participatory
- Interactive
- Student/learner-led
- Interesting & engaging
- Relevant
- Supportive & friendly learning environment
- Learners given responsibility
- Building collective knowledge
- Participants active in how & what they learn
- Diversity of ways of learning
- Raising critical consciousness
- Values emotions
- Encouraging expression
- Breaking down hierarchy between teacher/learner
- Respectful
- Values life experiences/ learning by doing
- Asking questions
- Head, heart & hands
- Learning on many levels simultaneously
- Not passive, active creation of knowledge
- Collaboration & interaction
- Positive emotions enhance learning
- Learning 'everywhere' not just in institutions
- Shared connections