1. [Our BI system’s] current weakness is that it isn't particularly interactive; managers cannot add data themselves or run their own bespoke queries. It is a series of web pages.
  2. Fairly close fit & in continuous enhancement. [Our BI project is planned or about to start] and objectives are totally aligned with above description.
  3. We do not have pictorial "dashboards" but we do aggregate data into concise tables and charts. We provide ad hoc querying of data. [There are questions about data quality.]
  4. We are building a data dictionary (to define transparently the terms used in the University)) and enabling role based MI Reports to provide easy access to relevant MI.
  5. [Our BI system] allows comprehensive strategic and operational analyses. [The] limiting feature is the number of licenses available.
  6. [Our] BI project will drive integration, dashboard reporting and availability of data. We also hope to use the system for trend analysis, “what if…”, planning.
  7. [This is] what we'd like to achieve but we are realistic about what can be achieved and how quickly by a small team. [The Definition is the] destination we are hoping to reach over a period of time.
  8. We are currently developing a data warehouse from which we will develop management dashboards.
  9. Currently we use internal data sources only. External data sets will be incorporated within the next 6 months.
  10. We currently [have] a number of standard reports (including graphs), and sophisticated capability for ad-hoc reporting. … some managers do not find it 'easy' enough, or do not have confidence in 'integrity', largely because they do not understand our business processes and data.