1. Time
    1. Electronic Calendars
      1. sync to all your mobile devices
      2. sync to your work calendar, too!
      3. subscribe to campus events
      4. subscribe to Canvas course calendars
      5. "the usual suspects"
        1. G-Calendar
        2. Outlook
        3. Apple Cal (?)
      6. WeekPlan
    2. Time-Blocking
      1. on paper or electronically
      2. include **all** your time obligations, including "YOU" time
      3. focus; no multitasking
      4. use color-coding
  2. Organization
    1. GTD (David Allan
    2. First Things First (Stephen Covey)
    3. Eisenhower Matrix
      1. Untools templates
      2. Eisenhower.me
        1. online app
    4. Passion Planner
      1. free undated printable download
      2. digital format for tablets too
    5. Electronic To-Do List
      1. Toodledo.com (GTD)(!!!)
      2. Microsoft To Do
      3. Google Tasks
      4. Todoist
    6. Cloud Collaboration/Project Tools
      1. Trello
      2. Kanbanchi
      3. Asana
      4. Microsoft Teams
      5. Slack
  3. Study
    1. Text-to-Speech
      1. Kindle Read-Aloud (two finger swipe)
      2. Mac OS Voiceover
      3. mobile device A11Y options
      4. Speechify (!!!)
    2. Speech-to-Text
      1. Google Docs
      2. Apple Notes
      3. Android Voice-to-Text
      4. Macbook options
      5. Now in Word Online
      6. audio transcription online
        1. Descript
        2. Amazon Transcribe
    3. Taking eNotes
      1. Evernote
      2. Microsoft OneNote
      3. Google Keep
      4. Apple Notes
      5. Diigo Annotated Bookmarks
      6. Google Docs
      7. Penultimate for iPad/stylus
      8. Notion (!!!)
        1. Microsoft Loop
        2. Coda
    4. Mindmapping (like this one!)
      1. Xmind.app (!!!)
      2. Mindmeister
      3. Freemind
    5. Boosting Focus
      1. aromatherapy
      2. Centered
      3. audio/ambient noise/brainwave entrainment
        1. SomaFM.com
        2. MyNoise.net
        3. Binaural Beats/brainwave entrainment
        4. SimplyNoise.com
        5. RainyMood.com
    6. Research
      1. Zotero
      2. Workflowy
      3. Dropmark
      4. Diigo
        1. group reading list
      5. OneNote web links
      6. responsible AI Use
        1. preliminary source curation
    7. Media Transcripts
      1. Video Transcripts
        1. click to position quick, easy scrubbing for review
        2. copy/paste into doc for studying
      2. Zoom
        1. Can save chat locally
        2. Recorder can optionally capture/share audio only version
      3. Teams
        1. capable of captions and transcript
        2. made available in meeting or team automatically after meeting ends
        3. meeting chat remains perpetual before/after, unlike Zoom
  4. Wellness
    1. Taking Breaks
      1. Pomodoro Technique
        1. Flow
          1. other timers
      2. Calm.com (meditation)
      3. StandUp! app (iOS)
    2. Vision-Boarding
      1. Trello
      2. G-Jamboard
      3. Canva
      4. Pinterest
      5. PowerPoint
    3. Journaling
      1. Day One
      2. Apple Notes
      3. Google Keep
      4. GridDiary
      5. focused writing apps
        1. Calmly Writer
        2. Zen Pen
    4. Gratitude/Giving Back
      1. volunteermatch.org
  5. Tonya V Thomas, MA.Ed, APRM, LSSBB © 2023 EduTechDiva Enterprises LLC (Last updated Jul 2023)
  6. CTRL + scroll to zoom in and out (or use mag percent in low right corner). Click intersections to expand/collapse branched sections. Click & Drag with right mouse button to pan across the map.