1. Introduction
    1. Sleep is about quality, not time
      1. Floating Topic
      2. stop thinking how much sleep do I need
      3. to raise the quality of my sleep
      4. how long QUALITY sleep do I need
  2. Sleep Machanics
    1. shallow sleep (stage 1-2)
    2. deep sleep (stage 3-4)
    3. REM sleep (dream sleep)
  3. The Inner Sleep Clock
    1. Body temperature rhythm
      1. Circadian rhythm
    2. Melatonin and sunlight
    3. Activity level
    4. Prior wakefulness
      1. You may need LESS sleep
        1. for a more balanced body temperature rhythm
        2. for more sunlight
        3. for higher activity level
  4. Optimizing your sleep clock
    1. Getting enough sunshine
      1. Temperature
      2. Melatonin
    2. Exercise
      1. Temperature
      2. GET A MOVE ON IT!
    3. Naps
      1. within 45 minutes
    4. Wake up at the end of a cycle
    5. Weekend
      1. Don't sleep late
      2. No need to catch up on sleep
    6. Having a regular rising time & sleeping time
    7. No nicotine, caffeine and alcohol
    8. Prior weekfulness
      1. Increase it!
      2. And increase the strength of the sleep system
    9. Water
      1. 8 cups of
      2. Nothing but water
    10. Food
      1. Less demand to put on your digestive system
    11. Sleeping posture
      1. On your back
      2. Or on yur side
      3. Not on your front
    12. Stress
  5. Methods
    1. Fight insomnia
      1. Natural sleep response
      2. Just think to relax
        1. Think... it... slloooowwwwwwwlllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy
        2. The Chalk Board Method
          1. Write it down
          2. And wipe it completely!
        3. If need to toss and turn
          1. do it slowly
          2. smile
          3. deep breath
      3. Sleep Restriction
      4. Bed associations
        1. bed should ONLY be used for sleeping and sexual activity
      5. Warm bath or shower
        1. 60-90 minutes before sleep
      6. Lower temperature
      7. Darkness
      8. No sleeping pills!
  6. Plan
    1. Light exposure
      1. Getting sunlight into your eyes the instant you wake
      2. Getting high intensity light during long indoor times
      3. Reducing Your Use of Sunglasses
    2. Daily activity level
      1. Have at least 15 minutes of intense cardio vascular exercise
      2. Exercise in the morning if possible
      3. Avoid exercising 2 hours prior to sleeping
    3. Power Naps
      1. Only 1 per day
      2. 30-45 minutes
    4. Reducing your sleep properly
      1. Gradually
      2. Consistent
    5. Hydration