1. Geçmiş Zaman 1
    1. Şimdiki Zaman
      1. Hareket
        1. S am is are Ving O
          1. Durum
          2. S am is are O
    2. Geçmiş Zaman
      1. Hareket
        1. S was were Ving O
          1. Durum
          2. S was were O
    3. S V O
      1. S was were Ving O S was were not Ving O was were S Ving O? WH was were S Ving O?
        1. S was were O S was were not O was were S O? WH was were S O?
    4. Geçmiş Zamanlar
      1. 1. Could 2. S was were Ving O 3. S was were O
  2. Geçmiş Zaman 2
    1. Geçmiş Zamanlar
      1. 1. Could 2. S was were Ving O 3. S was were O 4. Basit Geçmiş
    2. S V2 O
      1. Düzenli
        1. openED losED cleanED
      2. Düzensiz
        1. go - went buy - bought know - knew
    3. Örnek
      1. You went home yesterday You did not go home yesterday A: Did you go home yesterday? B: Yes, I went home yesterday
    4. Karşılaştırma
      1. S V(s) O S do does not V O Do does S V O?
        1. S V2 O S did not V O Did S V O?
  3. Examples
    1. Filmlerden Sahneler
  4. Practice 1
    1. Dün ofisteydik. Bütün gün çalışıyorduk.
      1. We were in the office yesterday. We were working all day
    2. Ben geçen hafta hastaydım, dolayısıyla işe gidemedim. Bütün gün evdeydim
      1. I was ill last week, so I could not go to work. I was (at) home all day
    3. Yeni konu nasıldı? Anlayabildin mi? Hoca bir daha anlatacak mı?
      1. How was the new subject? Could you understand? Will the teacher explain again?
    4. Toplantıdaydım, o yüzden mesajına cevap veremedim. Telefonum bütün gün kapalıydı (closed)
      1. I was in/at the/a meeting, so I could not answer to your/the message. My phone was closed all day
    5. Dün saat 7’de ne yapıyordun? Sana ulaşamadım (reach). Neredeydin?
      1. What were you doing at 7 pm yesterday? I could not reach you. Where were you?
  5. Practice 2
    1. Merhaba. Kendimi (myself) çok kötü hissediyorum (feel). Yemekten sonra (after the meal) mide ağrım var (stomach ache) ve nefes alamıyorum (breath)
      1. Hello. I am feeling very bad myself. I have stomach ache after the meal and I can’t breath
    2. Aslında (in fact) öğle yemeğinde (lunch) ilk defa (for the first time) sushi yedim (ate). Öğlen (at the noon) iyidim ama şimdi mide ağrım var
      1. In fact, I ate sushi for the first time at/in the lunch. I was good at the noon, but I have stomach ache now
    3. Peki, size bir ilaç vereceğim (medicine). Onu burada şimdi için. Bir saat (hour) sonra ağrı (ache) geçer (pass). Ama yarın öğleye (noon) kadar (until) hiçbir şey yemeyin, sadece (just) su için
      1. Well, I will give you a medicine. Drink/take it here now. The/your ache will pass after one hour. Don’t eat anything/Eat nothing until tomorrow noon, drink just water
  6. Toparlama
    1. Tüm Aksesuarlar
      1. Can
      2. Could
      3. Must
      4. Should
      5. Will
      6. S am is are Ving O
      7. S am is are O
      8. There is / are
      9. Have / Has
      10. V O
      11. S V(s) O
      12. S was were Ving O
      13. S was were O
      14. S V2 O
  7. Examples
    1. Tüm Aksesuarlar
      1. Can
      2. Could
      3. Must
      4. Should
      5. S am is are Ving O
      6. S am is are O
      7. There is / are
      8. Have / Has
      9. V O
    2. Examples
      1. I can always help you
      2. You must never come late
      3. You should always develop yourself
      4. We are usually working here this week
      5. She is always happy
      6. There are always a lot of people in this restaurant
      7. We always have a meeting on Friday
      8. Always come on time