1. Şimdiki Zaman
    1. Şimdiki Edilgen
      1. O am is are being V3 S
    2. Examples
      1. Arabanız tamir ediliyor. Lütfen bekleyiniz
        1. Your car is being fixed. Please wait
      2. Bilgisayar şu an kullanılmıyor. Onu alabilirsin (izin)
        1. The computer is not being used now. You may take it
      3. Bu yol tamir ediliyor dolayısıyla başka yolu kullanmak zorundayız
        1. This road is being repaired so we have to use another way
      4. Neden ismim anons ediliyor (announce). bir problem mi var? Uçağa yetişebilecek miyim?
        1. Why is my name being announced? Is there any problem. Will I be able to catch my plane?
  2. Present Perfect
    1. Present Perfect Edilgeni
      1. O have has been V3 S
    2. Yaptım
      1. S V2 O
        1. O was were V3 S
      2. S have has V3 O
        1. O have has been V3 S
    3. Examples
      1. Bu oda boyandı
        1. This room has been painted
      2. Anahtarlarım çalındı
        1. My keys have been stolen
      3. Bu köpru şu an kapalı (closed) çünkü geçen hafta bozuldu (damage) ve hala tamir edilmedi
        1. This bridge is closed now because the bridge was damaged last week and it hasn’t been repaired yet
      4. Bu konu daha yeni konuşuldu (recently) o yüzden henüz plan yapılmadı, ama yarın bu konuyla ilgili bir toplantı yapılacak
        1. This topic has been spoken recently so the plan hasn’t been made yet, but tomorrow the meeting will be done/made tomorrow on this subject
    4. Yapıldı
  3. Modal Verbs
    1. Modal Verbs Edilgeni
      1. O _ be V3 S
        1. can could must should will may might have to had to would
    2. Examples
      1. Bu proje yapılabilir (kapasite)
        1. This project can be done/made/realized
      2. Bu proje yapılamazdı (geç. mümk.)
        1. This project could not be done
      3. Bu konu konuşulması gerekiyor (şahsi kaanat)
        1. This topic must be spoken/talked
      4. Bu mail gönderilmesi gerekiyordu
        1. This mail had to be sent
      5. Bu proje yapılabilir (ihtimal)
        1. This project may be done
      6. Bu bilgisayar kullanılmamalı
        1. This computer should / must / may not be used
  4. Tüm Edilgenler
    1. O am is are V3 S
      1. Geniş Zaman
    2. O was were V3 S
      1. Basit Geçmiş
    3. O am is are being V3 S
      1. Şimdiki Zaman
    4. O have has been V3 S
      1. Present Perfect
    5. O _ be V3 S
      1. Modal Verbs
  5. Practice
    1. INSTANT SERVICE To make your stay more enjoyable, Instant Service is available “around the clock” for any requests. WAKE-UP SERVICE Please contact Instant Service.
    2. IN-ROOM BAR Your private bar is stocked daily with a variety of drinks and snacks. Items removed are automatically charged to your account. A menu with pricing is located in your room. THE INTERNET Your room is equipped with high speed Internet access. A daily access fee will be assessed to your account.
    3. IN-ROOM COFFEE Complimentary coffee is replenished daily in your room. Keurig-makers have directions located on the front of the machine. If further assistance is required please dial Instant Service. Complimentary coffee and tea are also served in the Lobby from 6:00AM to 7:00AM.
    4. IN-ROOM SAFE The safe can be programmed with a personalized four-digit pin code for each use. Please see detailed instructions located in the safe. Alternatively, safe deposit boxes are available at the Reception Desk.
    5. HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE Your room is serviced daily between 8AM and 2PM Monday through Friday. For fresh towels after service hours, please dial Instant Service