1. Prayer
    1. By Power of The HOLY SPIRIT
      1. Romans 08:26
    2. Ascends to heaven
      1. 2 Chronicles 30:27
      2. Revelation 05:08
    3. Quickening grace necessary to
      1. Psalm 080:18
    4. Why Pray
      1. Praise & Worship
      2. Thanksgiving
      3. Seeking God
        1. Psalm 027:08
        2. Psalm 105:04
        3. Job 8:5
      4. Supplication
        1. Psalms
          1. Psalm 006:09
          2. Psalm 028:02
          3. Psalm 028:06
          4. Psalm 030:08
          5. Psalm 031:22
          6. Psalm 055:01
          7. Psalm 086:06
          8. Psalm 116:01
          9. Psalm 119:170
          10. Psalm 130:02
          11. Psalm 140:06
          12. Psalm 142:01
          13. Psalm 143:01
        2. OldTestament (Examples)
          1. 1Samuel 13:12
          2. 1Kings 08:45
          3. Jeremiah 03:21
          4. Job 08:05
          5. Job 09:15
          6. Jeremiah 36:07
          7. Daniel 06:11
          8. Daniel 09:03
          9. Hosea 12:04
          10. Zechariah 12:10
        3. New Testament
          1. Acts 1:14 These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.
          2. Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
          3. Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
          4. 1Timothy 2:1 ΒΆ I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
          5. 1Timothy 5:5 Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God, and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day.
          6. Hebrews 5:7 Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;
      5. Comfort
    5. Command to Pray
      1. Isaiah 55:06
      2. Matthew 07:07
      3. Philippians 40:06
    6. Offer Prayer to
      1. God (The Father)
        1. Psalms 005:02
        2. Matthew 06:09
        3. Luke 11:02
        4. John 14:16
        5. John 16:26
        6. Ephesians 03:14
      2. Jesus Christ
        1. Luke 23:42
        2. Acts 07:59
    7. Pray Through Jesus Christ
      1. John 14:13
      2. John 14:14
      3. John 15:16
      4. John 16:23
      5. John 16:24
      6. Ephesians 02:18
      7. Hebrews 10:19
    8. God's ResponseTo Prayer
      1. Hearing of Prayer
        1. God Hears & Answers
          1. Psalms 65:02
          2. Psalms 06:09
          3. Psalms 10:17
          4. 2Chronicles 07:12
          5. Acts 10:31
          6. Psalms 66:19
          7. Psalms 94:9
        2. God Grants Requests
          1. Isaiah 38:05
          2. Psalm 021:02
          3. Luke 01:13
        3. NO/ Not sure
          1. Job 30:20
          2. Habakkuk 10:02
          3. Psalms 066:18
      2. xxx
  2. HOW to Pray:
    1. Kneeling
      1. 1Kings 8:54
      2. Ephesians 3:14
    2. Hands Lifted Up
      1. 1Kings 80:22
      2. 1Kings 08:54
      3. Psalm 28:02
      4. Psalm 63:04
      5. Psalm 134:02
      6. Lamentations 02:19
      7. Lamentations 03:41
    3. Looking up
      1. Psalm 05:03
      2. Mark 06:41
      3. Matthew 14:19
      4. Mark 07:34
      5. Luke 9:16
    4. With Boldness
      1. Hebrews 04:16
      2. Hebrews 10:19
      3. Ephesians 03:12
    5. With Heart & Soul
      1. 1Samuel 01:15
      2. Psalms 25:01
      3. Psalms 62:08
      4. Lamentations 03:41
    6. Call upon theName of the Lord
      1. Genesis 12:08
      2. Psalms 116:04
      3. Psalms 116:13
      4. Acts 22:16
      5. Psalms 116:17
      6. Zephaniah 03:90
      7. Romans 10:13
    7. Cry to God/Heaven
      1. Numbers 12:13
      2. 2Chronicles 20:09
      3. 2Chronicles 32:20
      4. Psalm 027:07
      5. Psalms 028:01
      6. Psalm 034:06
      7. Psalm 056:09
      8. Psalm 061:02
      9. Psalm 086:03
      10. Psalm 102:01
      11. Psalm 141:01
      12. Joel 01:19
      13. Jonah 01:14
    8. Beseech the LORD
      1. Numbers 12:13
      2. Numbers 14:17
      3. Numbers 14:19
      4. 1Samuel 23:11
      5. 2Samuel 24:10
      6. 2Kings 19:19
      7. Nehemiah 01:05
      8. Job 10:09
      9. Psalm 116:4
      10. Psalm 118:25
      11. Psalm 119:108
      12. Jonah 01:14
      13. Jonah 04:03
      14. Malachi 01:09
    9. Always