1. Discontinuity Effect
    1. motivated by fear and greed
    2. people don't trust the members of other groups
    3. If the outgroup is cooperative, they will take advantage of it.
    4. However, intergroup competitiveness is not inevitable
  2. minimal group effect
    1. People are normally and naturally ready to divide the world into "us" against "them" and to hold prejudices agaisnt them
  3. ingroup favoritism
    1. preferential treatment of, or more favorable attitudes toward, people in one's own groups, a compared to people in other groups
  4. Contact hypothesis
    1. regular interaction between membersof different groups reduces prejudice, providing that it occurs under favorable conditions
    2. According to this hypothesis, negative prejudice arise and survive because the two groups don't have much contact with each other
  5. competition
    1. situation in which people can attain their goals only if others do not
  6. cooperation
    1. situation in which people must work together with others to help all achieve their goals