1. Other Concepts
    1. Functional Representation
    2. Pluarlism
      1. "Where there are multiple political, religious and cultural views. Pluralism is said to be more common in the UK today. Pressure groups are an important feature of a pluralist democracy.
      2. Desirable?
        1. YES
          1. Power should be shared
          2. Voices minority views
          3. Progress in society
          4. Maintain our individual freedoms
        2. NO
          1. Spread of power dilutes the effect
          2. Conflicting groups
      3. How do PG's Enable?
        1. PG's are set up for any cause at all
        2. Allow different opinions to be heard publically
        3. Groups are more powerful than individuals
        4. Fills gaps that Government & parties have missed
        5. Get a response from Government is enough pressure is applied
    3. Elitism
      1. The idea of a hierarchy of concentrated power, where people are above others by class, power and wealth - usually undemocratically. Elitism can create a class divide.
      2. Desirable?
        1. YES
          1. Allows more efficient decision making
          2. Meritocracy - people worked hard ti get where they are
          3. Maybe it's important we are lead?
        2. NO
          1. Could be born into it - not deserved
          2. Undemocratic, can lead to corruption
      3. How to PG's Enable?
        1. Small groups of people make all the decisions in PGs
        2. Insider groups are more powerful than outsider groups
          1. Money!
        3. Some groups have selective memberships
  2. Functions
    1. Distinguish between a Political Party
      1. PP= Accountable to the electorate PG= Not accountable
      2. PP = Stand candidates for election PG = Don't (usually). Prefer to influence power/laws
      3. PP = Manifestos on wide range of issues PG = Specific issue only
      4. PP = Democratic PG = Don't need to be & sometimes aren't
      5. PP = Groups of people with the same ideological views PG = People concerned with a specific issue, may have different party affiliations
    2. Functions of Pressure Groups
      1. Raising awareness of issues
      2. Representing a wide range of views & minority views [D]
      3. Encourage political participation [D]
      4. Hold the government to account [D]
      5. Consultation, supplying information to the government
      6. Scrutinise the government [D]
      7. Influence decision makers
      8. Dilute / Fragment power away from government [D]
  3. Classification
    1. Sectional
      1. Represent the interests of a specific group or section of people. Usually social or economic views
      2. Features
        1. Only interested in the views of their members
        2. Membership is usually specific
      3. Examples
        1. Trade Unions (NUT = Teachers, GMC = Nurses etc)
        2. CBI (Confederation of British Industry)
    2. Promotion
      1. Promote causes which are in the interests of the whole community or at least a wide number of people
      2. Features
        1. Altruistic (don't just look after their own member's interests)
        2. Often lead by a small group of people with a non-specific membership
      3. Examples
        1. Greenpeace
        2. World Wildlife Fund
    3. Outsider
      1. Groups with no specific link to government, they are on the outside of the political process
      2. Features
        1. Likely to seek public support to put pressure on the government
        2. Some groups may undertake acts of civil disobedience (e.g. F4J)
      3. Examples
        1. Fathers 4 Justice
        2. Animal Liberation Front
    4. Insider
      1. Groups that operate inside the political system through contacts within government
      2. Features
        1. Can take part in the development of policy - tend to be consulted by government
        2. Tend to behave legally and not publically criticise government
        3. May be able to prevent unfavourable legislation at an early stage
      3. Examples
        1. CBI (Confederation of British Industry)
        2. MIND
        3. The Adam Smith institute
    5. Mixture
      1. High Profile Insider
        1. They influence government and tell the public that they are. They tend to be government-related institutions
        2. EG: Office of Fair Trading
      2. Low Profile Insider
        1. Influence government but do not wish to draw attention to themselves
        2. EG: CBI (Confederation of British Industry)
      3. Prisoner
      4. Postential Insider
        1. Their status depends on the current government
        2. EG: Trade Unions
      5. Outsider by necessity
        1. May apply to relatively new or small groups that the government is not sympathetic towards
        2. EG: Association of British Drivers
      6. Ideological outsider
        1. They wish to remain independant and free, so avoid getting inside government
        2. EG: Greenpeace
  4. Misc
    1. Pluralist Democracy
    2. Subtopic 2
  5. How They Operate
    1. Exerting Influence
      1. Political Parties
        1. HOW: PG's will seek support from MPs, sometimes for a fee (must be declared)
        2. WHY: To change party manifestos or views
        3. EXAMPLE: Environmental pressure groups added environmental points to the Conservative Manifesto
        4. NOTE: Called Access Points
      2. Consultation
        1. HOW: Government can consult PG's when introducing a new law
        2. WHY: Benefits both parties, Govt gets insight & public approval, PG's get their points across
        3. EXAMPLE: Stonewall (Civil Partnership Act 2004)
      3. Lobbying
        1. HOW: PG's ask specialists to represent their views to politicians
        2. WHY: To enter their ideas into the political process
        3. EXAMPLE: Rich businesses
        4. NOTE: Criticised for not being very democratic
      4. Parliamentary Methods
        1. HOW: PG's persuade MPs to represent views. During the committee stage of the law making process Influence House of Lords to amend Stand candidates for election
      5. Direct Action
        1. Strikes/Demonstrations Illegal sit-ins Breaking & Entering e.g. GM crop fields
      6. Media
        1. HOW: TV interviews, coverage of protests etc
        2. WHY: Access to the public
        3. EXAMPLE: Dunblane Shootings 1996 => Firearms Amendment Act 1997
      7. Mobilising Public Support
        1. HOW: See Direct Action and Media
        2. WHY: The government is sensitive to public support
        3. EXAMPLE: Celebrity & media Endorsement
    2. Success
      1. Philosophy
        1. HOW: Similar aims to government
        2. WHY: The government looks for groups that support its views, if only for legitimation
        3. EXAMPLE: Taxpayer's Alliance
      2. Finance
        1. HOW: Wealthier groups are able to hire lobbyists or give party donations
        2. WHY: Increases their chances of success
        3. EXAMPLE: BPI / CBI are financed by the businesses they represent
        4. NOTE: Tend to be sectional. Promotion groups rely on donations
      3. Size
        1. HOW: Can be large organisations or ones with small memberships
        2. WHY: Outsiders need to be larger to be legitimate & successful
        3. EXAMPLE: World Wildlife Fund is sometimes considered by government, but is huge
        4. NOTE: Insiders don't need to be as big - is this democratic?
      4. Status
        1. HOW: Insider or Outsider!
        2. WHY: More important groups can influence policy
        3. EXAMPLE: CBI (Confederation of British Industry)
      5. Celebrity Involvement
        1. HOW: Celebrities attend events held by the pressure groups
        2. WHY: Media & Public support hugely increases and everyone looks to the government for a response
        3. EXAMPLE: Ghurka Soldiers - Joanna Lumley
      6. Organisation
        1. HOW: The ability of a group to organise themselves to pursue their goals
        2. WHY: Better organised groups are more successful
        3. EXAMPLE: Writing a constitution
      7. Opposition
        1. HOW: Some groups may have an opposite group
        2. WHY: Less opposition incraeses chances of success
        3. EXAMPLE: EDL (English Defence League) vs UAF (Unite Against Facism)
        4. EXAMPLE: ASH (Anti-smoking) vs the Tobacco Industry
  6. Pressure Group Changes
    1. PG Changes
      1. How?
      2. Why?
    2. More or Less Important
      1. More Important / Stronger
      2. Less Important / Stronger