Other Concepts
- Functional Representation
- "Where there are multiple political, religious and cultural views.
Pluralism is said to be more common in the UK today.
Pressure groups are an important feature of a pluralist democracy.
- Power should be shared
- Voices minority views
- Progress in society
- Maintain our individual freedoms
- Spread of power dilutes the effect
- Conflicting groups
How do PG's
- PG's are set up for any cause at all
- Allow different opinions to be heard publically
- Groups are more powerful than individuals
- Fills gaps that Government & parties have missed
- Get a response from Government is enough pressure is applied
- The idea of a hierarchy of concentrated power, where people are above others
by class, power and wealth - usually undemocratically.
Elitism can create a class divide.
- Allows more efficient decision making
- Meritocracy - people worked hard ti get where they are
- Maybe it's important we are lead?
- Could be born into it - not deserved
- Undemocratic, can lead to corruption
How to PG's
- Small groups of people make all the decisions in PGs
Insider groups are more powerful than outsider groups
- Money!
- Some groups have selective memberships
Distinguish between
a Political Party
- PP= Accountable to the electorate
PG= Not accountable
- PP = Stand candidates for election
PG = Don't (usually). Prefer to influence power/laws
- PP = Manifestos on wide range of issues
PG = Specific issue only
- PP = Democratic
PG = Don't need to be & sometimes aren't
- PP = Groups of people with the same ideological views
PG = People concerned with a specific issue, may have different party affiliations
Functions of
Pressure Groups
- Raising awareness of issues
- Representing a wide range of views & minority views [D]
- Encourage political participation [D]
- Hold the government to account [D]
- Consultation, supplying information to the government
- Scrutinise the government [D]
- Influence decision makers
- Dilute / Fragment power away from government [D]
- Represent the interests of a specific group or section of people. Usually social or economic views
- Only interested in the views of their members
- Membership is usually specific
- Trade Unions (NUT = Teachers, GMC = Nurses etc)
- CBI (Confederation of British Industry)
- Promote causes which are in the interests of the whole community or at least a wide number of people
- Altruistic (don't just look after their own member's interests)
- Often lead by a small group of people with a non-specific membership
- Greenpeace
- World Wildlife Fund
- Groups with no specific link to government, they are on the outside of the political process
- Likely to seek public support to put pressure on the government
- Some groups may undertake acts of civil disobedience (e.g. F4J)
- Fathers 4 Justice
- Animal Liberation Front
- Groups that operate inside the political system through contacts within government
- Can take part in the development of policy - tend to be consulted by government
- Tend to behave legally and not publically criticise government
- May be able to prevent unfavourable legislation at an early stage
- CBI (Confederation of British Industry)
- The Adam Smith institute
High Profile Insider
- They influence government and tell the public that they are.
They tend to be government-related institutions
- EG: Office of Fair Trading
Low Profile Insider
- Influence government but do not wish to draw attention to themselves
- EG: CBI (Confederation of British Industry)
- Prisoner
Postential Insider
- Their status depends on the current government
- EG: Trade Unions
Outsider by necessity
- May apply to relatively new or small groups that the government is not sympathetic towards
- EG: Association of British Drivers
Ideological outsider
- They wish to remain independant and free, so avoid getting inside government
- EG: Greenpeace
- Pluralist Democracy
- Subtopic 2
How They
Exerting Influence
Political Parties
- HOW: PG's will seek support from MPs, sometimes for a fee (must be declared)
- WHY: To change party manifestos or views
- EXAMPLE: Environmental pressure groups added environmental points to the Conservative Manifesto
- NOTE: Called Access Points
- HOW: Government can consult PG's when introducing a new law
- WHY: Benefits both parties, Govt gets insight & public approval, PG's get their points across
- EXAMPLE: Stonewall (Civil Partnership Act 2004)
- HOW: PG's ask specialists to represent their views to politicians
- WHY: To enter their ideas into the political process
- EXAMPLE: Rich businesses
- NOTE: Criticised for not being very democratic
Parliamentary Methods
- HOW: PG's persuade MPs to represent views.
During the committee stage of the law making process
Influence House of Lords to amend
Stand candidates for election
Direct Action
- Strikes/Demonstrations
Illegal sit-ins
Breaking & Entering e.g. GM crop fields
- HOW: TV interviews, coverage of protests etc
- WHY: Access to the public
- EXAMPLE: Dunblane Shootings 1996 => Firearms Amendment Act 1997
Mobilising Public Support
- HOW: See Direct Action and Media
- WHY: The government is sensitive to public support
- EXAMPLE: Celebrity & media Endorsement
- HOW: Similar aims to government
- WHY: The government looks for groups that support its views, if only for legitimation
- EXAMPLE: Taxpayer's Alliance
- HOW: Wealthier groups are able to hire lobbyists or give party donations
- WHY: Increases their chances of success
- EXAMPLE: BPI / CBI are financed by the businesses they represent
- NOTE: Tend to be sectional. Promotion groups rely on donations
- HOW: Can be large organisations or ones with small memberships
- WHY: Outsiders need to be larger to be legitimate & successful
- EXAMPLE: World Wildlife Fund is sometimes considered by government, but is huge
- NOTE: Insiders don't need to be as big - is this democratic?
- HOW: Insider or Outsider!
- WHY: More important groups can influence policy
- EXAMPLE: CBI (Confederation of British Industry)
Celebrity Involvement
- HOW: Celebrities attend events held by the pressure groups
- WHY: Media & Public support hugely increases and everyone looks to the government for a response
- EXAMPLE: Ghurka Soldiers - Joanna Lumley
- HOW: The ability of a group to organise themselves to pursue their goals
- WHY: Better organised groups are more successful
- EXAMPLE: Writing a constitution
- HOW: Some groups may have an opposite group
- WHY: Less opposition incraeses chances of success
- EXAMPLE: EDL (English Defence League) vs UAF (Unite Against Facism)
- EXAMPLE: ASH (Anti-smoking) vs the Tobacco Industry
Pressure Group
PG Changes
- How?
- Why?
More or Less
- More Important / Stronger
- Less Important / Stronger