1. Mangal Kakade, SWORD Sessions ifm engineering pvt. ltd. Pune
  2. Phases of Time Management
    1. I am busy
      1. Frantic State
      2. Perfectionism
      3. Good at everything
    2. I know how to manage my time
    3. I can prioritize
    4. I am productive
      1. Focused State
      2. Purpose
      3. Great at some things
    5. I am productive (most of the times)
  3. Performance Readiness
    1. Ability
      1. Knowledge
      2. Experience
      3. Skills
    2. Willingness
      1. Confidence
      2. Commitment
      3. Motivation
    3. Able
      1. Unable
    4. Can and wants to
      1. Can't but want to
        1. Willing
    5. Can but won't
      1. Can't and won't
        1. Unwilling
  4. Where & How do you waste time?
    1. Lack of Self Awareness
    2. EQ is less
    3. Habit of procrastination
    4. Gossip & Speculation
    5. Check out: YouTube Spiral
  5. Some Tools & Techniques
    1. S.M.A.R.T. Goals & Planning
      1. S - Specific
      2. M - Measurable
      3. A - Achievable
      4. R - Relevant
      5. T - Time-bound
      6. Plans are worthless, but planning is everything - Dwight D. Eisenhower
      7. Estimation
    2. Track your Time
      1. Helps improve productivity
      2. Helps to optimize your time better
      3. Helps you to decide on automation
      4. How much you work on different projects?
      5. A clear picture of how you spend your time
      6. Some Tools: Timely, Outlook, Pen & Paper
    3. Eisenhower Matrix
      1. Not Urgent
        1. Urgent
      2. Ex: Exercise, Vocation, Planning
        1. Ex: Crying baby, Kitchen Fire, Some calls
          1. Important
      3. Ex: Trivia, Busy work, Time wasters
        1. Ex: Distractions, Interruptions, Other calls
          1. Not Important
    4. OKR
      1. Objectives & Key Results
        1. Objectives = Goals
        2. Key Results = How you get there?
      2. Set, Tracked & Reviewed
      3. Tools: Workfront, weekdone, 7geese, 15 Five
    5. Pomodoro Technique
      1. Most popular time management technique
      2. Steps
        1. Decide on a task to be done
        2. Set the pomodoro timer
        3. Work on the task
        4. End work when the timer rings after 25 minutes
      3. If you have fewer pomodoro, take a short break
      4. After 4 pomodoro, take bigger breaks
    6. GTD - Getting things done
      1. Capture
      2. Process
      3. Organize
      4. Reviewing
      5. Engage