1. Assumptions
    1. Assets in CMS have metadata to support search/narrowing/filtering
    2. A question = ACI, 1 video = ACI
    3. Product Building can be done over a period of time and can be iterated on (i.e. need sandbox)
    4. Build up knowledge about an ACI over time to support selection (social media concept)
    5. User persona for this workflow is a subject matter expert (no assumed technical expertise)
    6. SME doesn’t concern themselves with composite asset problem/completeness
    7. SME doesn’t worry about back-end technical details
    8. Tuning supports expected performance
  2. Open Questions
    1. • Permission check
    2. • How to accommodate non-CMS stored items (e.g a YouTube video)
    3. • Where does reporting live? (Usage etc)
    4. • Is combining CDFs something we want to do? (Splits)
      1. o What is the smallest reusable unit of CDF
    5. • Where do instructor course & section level metadata belong?
    6. • What will help users with selection of relevant assets?
    7. • What metadata will help users search. How do users want to search/filter, etc? Possibilities include:
      1. Descriptive
        1. • Learning objective(s)
        2. • Concept(s) 1-n (a given problem may cover 1-n concepts)
        3. • Type (e.g. multiple choice, word problem etc.)
        4. • Use (e.g. eligible for HW, quiz, exam, etc. )
        5. • Pre-reqs (e.g. building blocks tied to problem - foundational concepts)
        6. • Seat time
        7. • Rule of 4 (algebraic, graph, table, visual)
        8. • Level of difficulty
        9. • Pedagogical Approach (ET - Early Transcendental/LT - Late transcendental, AP)
        10. • Major (e.g. life sciences oriented problems, nursing related, engineering students related etc.)
      2. Administrative
        1. • Math palette type (i.e. the set of characters needed for a given problem)
        2. • Score
  3. Notes
    1. Must be ISBN agnostic
      1. What are the OLR/Cengage Brain Implications?
    2. User Reporting Reps
      1. John White
      2. Amanda Lyons
    3. Platforms Impacted
      1. CCMS
      2. 4LTR
      3. MT
    4. Effiacy Data
      1. From Adelaide's 'Notes from Product Builder Brainstorm'.
  4. Glossary
    1. CDF Course Definition FIle
    2. ACI Atomic Content Instance
    3. Activity 2:N ACI