1. Product Models
    1. CourseMode
      1. Vision
        1. Vision: Two or more textbooks with all corresponding remediated digital assets, including SAM assignments, are available in the learning path of one MindTap.
        2. Vision: The MindTap course is updated in real time without development effort.
      2. Instructor Pains/Needs
        1. Have to access multiple MindTap courses for course content or create their own content to add. This can take time and cause confusion.
        2. Course in a box is just for 1 text. Customers customize print and want the same option for digital to create their course.
        3. Customers want access to only digital content in their course.
      3. Targeted Issues
        1. Customers use multiple texts in Intro to Computing
        2. Are used to customizing print content and want that to be available for digital
        3. Want 1 place to access all assets
    2. MT4/4LTR
      1. Problems to solve
        1. QA working against media grid
        2. Enables rights clearing
        3. Traceability (relationship of asset/content to course
          1. Opportunity: Asset analytics
        4. Asset reuse (time to market, cost issue)
        5. Solve Media Grid/CCI Problem
        6. Asset discoverability
    3. MT4
      1. Problems to Solve
        1. Building product in runtime environment
    4. MTX (or is this included in MT4)?
    5. Other?