Product Models
- Vision: Two or more textbooks with all corresponding remediated digital assets, including SAM assignments, are available in the learning path of one MindTap.
- Vision: The MindTap course is updated in real time without development effort.
Instructor Pains/Needs
- Have to access multiple MindTap courses for course content or create their own content to add. This can take time and cause confusion.
- Course in a box is just for 1 text. Customers customize print and want the same option for digital to create their course.
- Customers want access to only digital content in their course.
Targeted Issues
- Customers use multiple texts in Intro to Computing
- Are used to customizing print content and want that to be available for digital
- Want 1 place to access all assets
Problems to solve
- QA working against media grid
- Enables rights clearing
Traceability (relationship of asset/content to course
- Opportunity: Asset analytics
- Asset reuse (time to market, cost issue)
- Solve Media Grid/CCI Problem
- Asset discoverability
Problems to Solve
- Building product in runtime environment
- MTX (or is this included in MT4)?
- Other?