1. Where does learning happen
    1. Private
      1. Did use Blackbaord
      2. Using Moodle Now
      3. Also using Ning
    2. Public
      1. Have students blog
        1. Students can keep it
        2. Or delete it
    3. Related is student ownership if their learning
    4. Personally owning the space, as the learner, is important
  2. Assessment
    1. Asks students at end of course to explay what they learned from classmates and how the contributed to the learning of classmates
    2. Co-construct the criteria
      1. Individuals can be assessed from the environment that they are more comfortable with
        1. Some are good bloggers
        2. Others are better networkers
  3. Distributive Expertise
    1. They become facilitators or serpas, Skyping in expertise & perspective
    2. Experts
    3. Local practicioners
    4. Matches up students (pre service) with mentors
    5. Dean is having his student contract services to practicing teachers so that the relations is win/win...
  4. Learning and teaching online
    1. Have a networked presence.
    2. Find an appropriate mix of personal and professional
      1. Afterall, it is online and it's digital, and we need a personal sense of each other is critical to us, as human.
    3. Learning in the methods that Alec & Dean are describing provokes the "habit" of professional development...