1. Scope
    1. Vision
      1. I want to be happy and successful
    2. Goals & Objectives
      1. I want to be a Project Manager
        1. Get PMP certified in 5 months time
        2. Register in at least 10 leading project management communities in 2 weeks time
      2. I want to buy a larger house
        1. Get a loan within 3 months time and contact at least 5 leading banks to get best rate
      3. I want to be a better father and husband
        1. Listen more to my family and sit with them for at least one hour daily will try this for 2 weeks and tweak it if needed
    3. Prioritize Objectives
      1. Strategy
      2. Cost
      3. Time
      4. Risk
  2. Time
    1. Yearly Goals
    2. Monthly Goals
    3. Weekly Goals
  3. Quality of Life
  4. Risk
    1. Career
      1. Stop Learning
      2. Layoff
    2. Health
      1. Physical
        1. Gain Weight
      2. Mental
        1. Get Negative
        2. Demotivated
    3. Money
      1. Out of Funds
    4. You can identify more categories and follow the process of Risk Management
  5. Resources
    1. Health
      1. Physical
      2. Mental
    2. Wealth
      1. Assets
      2. Intellectual
    3. Skills
      1. Hard Skills
        1. Degrees
        2. Certificates
        3. Education
      2. Soft Skills
        1. Communication
        2. Negotiation
        3. Problem Solving
        4. Influencing
        5. Inspirational
    4. IQ
    5. Emotional Intelligence
    6. Resources can be maximized and skills can be developed if you only have enough will power