1. Prokaryote
    1. DNA is concentrated in the nucleoid region in the cytoplasm (no nucleus)
    2. Simple and unicellular organisms
    3. Absent of membrane-bound organelles
    4. Structure
      1. Fimbriae
      2. Nucleoid
      3. Ribosomes
      4. Plasma membrane
      5. Cell wall
      6. Glycocalyx
      7. Flagella
    5. Example
      1. Bacteria
      2. Archaea
    6. Transcription and translation occur in the cytoplasm
    7. Has cytoplasm
  2. Eukaryote
    1. DNA is in the nucleus
    2. Complex and Multi-cellular organisms
    3. Has membrane-bound organelles
    4. Organelles/structure in animal
      1. Flagellum
      2. Centrosome
      3. Peroxisome
      4. Mitochondria
      5. Lysosome
      6. Golgi apparatus
      7. Ribosomes
      8. Plasma membrane
      9. Nucleus
        1. Nuclear envelope
        2. Nucleolus
        3. Chromatin
      10. Endoplasmic reticulum
        1. Smooth ER
        2. Rough ER
    5. Organelles/structure in plant
      1. Golgi apparatus
      2. Nucleus
        1. Nuclear envelope
        2. Nucleolus
        3. Chromatin
      3. Endoplasmic reticulum
        1. Smooth ER
        2. Rough ER
      4. Ribosomes
      5. Central vacuole
      6. Chloroplast
      7. Plasmodesmata
      8. Cell wall
      9. Plasma membrane
      10. Peroxisome
      11. Mitochondria
    6. Example
      1. Animal
      2. Plant
    7. Transcription occur in the nucleus while translation occur in the Rough ER/cytoplasm
    8. Has cytoplasm