- Settlements
Tenure & Estates
(1066 - 1925)
Feudal Systems:
Norman Conquest
- Grants of land
- Services e.g. socage
- Law Commission plans to abolish
the duration of tenure in land
(Walsingham's Case (1573) 2 Plowd 547)
- Subtopic 1
- Leasehold
Life Estate
- Own life or
- Life of seller
- Estate pur autre vie
- Maxim: nemo dat quod non habet
- "No one can give
what they do not have."
Fee Simple
- Nearest thing to
absolute ownership of land
- "To A & his heirs"
= All A's relatives + buyers' heirs
- "Forever" estate
- Absolute
- Qualified
- Conditional
- Determinable
- Base Fee (failed entail bar)
Fee Tail
- "To A & heirs of his body"
= Only A's direct lineage
- Estate reverts of fee simple holder
on death of last descendent of A
- Barring the entail
- Converts to fees simple
Types of Interest
- Chain of owners
- Presumption due
to possession
- Beneficiary
Separation rights
from physical object
- Own "Estate in Land"
Allows division of rights
- Landlord/tenant
- Slices of time
Successive interests
- In possession
In reversion
Two meanings:
- Right to return of absolute possession
after life/term interest ends
Right to return of physical possession
after leasehold ends ('Freehold reversion')
- During lease, feeholder has right 'in possession',
satisfied by rent rather than physical possession
- In remainder
Vested & Contingent
Vested = current right to future enjoyment
- L. vestire "to clothe"
- Analogy: person's place in a queue
- Contingent = potential right, dependant on a condition being met
1925 Legislation
6 property Acts
Law of Property Act
Reduced types of
legal rights (s1)
- 2 estates
- Fee simple absolute
in possession
- Term of years absolute
- 5 Interests
- e.g. easement, mortgage
- Any other rights = equitable
- Settled Land Act
Trustee Act
- Subtopic 1
- Adminstration of Estates Act
- Land Charges Act
- Land Registration Act
Need for change
External costs
- Social stagnation
- Class of 'useless rentiers'
- Fewer commercial opportunities
- Increased land prices
- Poorer housing
- Transactions costly & risky
Internal costs
- Reduced freedom for 'limited owners'
- Fragmented land ownership
- Rise of industrial/middle class
Expansion of Trusts law
- Alternatives to land as investments
- e.g. Shares
Land = 'badge of citizenship'
- Requirement for power