1. Settlements
  2. Tenure & Estates (1066 - 1925)
    1. Tenure
      1. Feudal Systems: Norman Conquest
        1. Grants of land
        2. Services e.g. socage
      2. Law Commission plans to abolish
    2. Estate
      1. the duration of tenure in land (Walsingham's Case (1573) 2 Plowd 547)
        1. Subtopic 1
      2. Leasehold
      3. Freehold
        1. Life Estate
          1. Own life or
          2. Life of seller
          3. Estate pur autre vie
          4. Maxim: nemo dat quod non habet
          5. "No one can give what they do not have."
        2. Fee Simple
          1. Nearest thing to absolute ownership of land
          2. "To A & his heirs" = All A's relatives + buyers' heirs
          3. "Forever" estate
          4. Absolute
          5. Qualified
          6. Conditional
          7. Determinable
          8. Base Fee (failed entail bar)
        3. Fee Tail
          1. "To A & heirs of his body" = Only A's direct lineage
          2. Estate reverts of fee simple holder on death of last descendent of A
          3. Barring the entail
          4. Converts to fees simple
  3. Concepts
    1. Types of Interest
      1. Title
        1. Chain of owners
        2. Presumption due to possession
      2. Beneficiary
    2. Separation rights from physical object
      1. Own "Estate in Land"
      2. Allows division of rights
        1. Landlord/tenant
        2. Slices of time
  4. Successive interests
    1. In possession
    2. In reversion
      1. Two meanings:
        1. Right to return of absolute possession after life/term interest ends
        2. Right to return of physical possession after leasehold ends ('Freehold reversion')
          1. During lease, feeholder has right 'in possession', satisfied by rent rather than physical possession
    3. In remainder
  5. Vested & Contingent
    1. Vested = current right to future enjoyment
      1. L. vestire "to clothe"
    2. Analogy: person's place in a queue
    3. Contingent = potential right, dependant on a condition being met
  6. 1925 Legislation
    1. 6 property Acts
      1. Law of Property Act
        1. Reduced types of legal rights (s1)
          1. 2 estates
          2. Fee simple absolute in possession
          3. Term of years absolute (leasehold)
          4. 5 Interests
          5. e.g. easement, mortgage
          6. Any other rights = equitable
      2. Settled Land Act
      3. Trustee Act
        1. Subtopic 1
      4. Adminstration of Estates Act
      5. Land Charges Act
      6. Land Registration Act
    2. Need for change
      1. Settlements
        1. External costs
          1. Social stagnation
          2. Class of 'useless rentiers'
          3. Fewer commercial opportunities
          4. Increased land prices
          5. Poorer housing
          6. Transactions costly & risky
        2. Internal costs
          1. Reduced freedom for 'limited owners'
        3. Fragmented land ownership
      2. Wealth
        1. Rise of industrial/middle class
        2. Expansion of Trusts law
          1. Alternatives to land as investments
          2. e.g. Shares
      3. Land = 'badge of citizenship'
        1. Requirement for power