1. "Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs"
    1. What it means to me
      1. What i am thinking about will become Beliefs.
    2. How will i apply it to my program
      1. If i stop thinking about the negative aspects of the program i will do well
    3. Reference
      1. Thought patterns for a successful career
    4. Conclusion
      1. I will start looking at all aspects of my self-talk. what am i saying, what am i picturing and what are the emotions am feeling
      2. I will keep reminding myself to talk to myself positively.
      3. I will stay away for negative influences that can change my self-talk into a negative one.
  2. "As we correctly visualise the new, we become dissatisfied with the old"
    1. What it means to me
      1. Visualizing what i want will be like. Will lead to me disliking what i am.
    2. How will i apply it to my program
      1. If i stop thinking about the negative aspects of the program i will do well
    3. Reference
      1. Thought patterns for a successful career
    4. Conclusion
      1. I will try to keep order in my life
      2. If i change what i am visualizing in my mind. I will have the will and energy to do it.
      3. I have to believe what am visualizing in order for my subconscious to stay on track.
      4. I will picture all my goals in order for my inside view of myself. to match my outside view.
  3. "You are very capable and very smart"
    1. What it means to me.
      1. This means that i am very capable of doing anything i put my mind to do. and i will reinforce it into Positive thoughts and believes.
    2. How will i apply it to my program
      1. I will keep telling my self how smart and capable i am . This will turn into my beliefs. By doing this i will be able to have a positive outlook in my program
    3. Reference
      1. Thought patterns for a successful career
    4. Conclusion
      1. I will be careful who i am listening to. So they don't put negative thoughts in my head.
      2. I will take a very hard look at my past to see what has worked and what has not.
      3. I will be more aware of what is in front of me.
      4. i will be decisive on what i want out my new career