1. Behavioral Theories
    1. What Is Behaviorism? - 1950s
      1. Learning/Acquiring Behaviour through CONDITIONING
      2. Learning ==> interaction with environment
    2. Major Thinkers
      1. Ivan Pavlov
      2. B. F. Skinner
      3. Edward Thorndike
      4. John B. Watson
      5. Clark Hull
    3. two major types of conditioning
      1. 1 Classical conditioning
        1. Stimulus / Response
        2. Ivan Pavlov
          1. 1. UC-S --> UC-R
          2. 2. C-S -->C-R
        3. Principles of Classical Conditioning
          1. 1. Acquisition
          2. initial stage of learning when a response is first established and gradually strengthened
          3. 2. Extinction
          4. when the occurrences of a conditioned response decrease or disappear
          5. 3. Sponteneous Recovery
          6. reappearance of the conditioned response after a rest period or period of lessened response
          7. 4. Stimulus Generalization
          8. tendency for the conditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses after the response has been conditioned
          9. 5. Discrimination
          10. ability to differentiate between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that have not been paired with an unconditioned stimulus
      2. 2 Operant conditioning
        1. Rewards / Punishments
        2. B.F. Skinner
        3. Components of Operant Conditioning
          1. Reinforcement
          2. any event that strengthens or increases the behavior
          3. two kinds of reinforcers
          4. Positive reinforcers
          5. favorable events or outcomes that are presented after the behavior
          6. response is strengthened by the addition of something
          7. reward
          8. Negative reinforcers
          9. removal of an unfavorable events or outcomes after the display of a behavior
          10. response is strengthened by the removal of something
          11. unpleasant
          12. Punishment
          13. presentation of an adverse event or outcome that causes a decrease in the behavio
          14. two kinds of punishment
          15. Positive punishment
          16. application, involves the presentation of an unfavorable event or outcome in order to weaken the response
          17. Negative punishment
          18. removal, occurs when an favorable event or outcome is removed
          19. schedules of reinforcement
          20. a rule stating which instances of a behavior will be reinforced
          21. 1. Continuous Reinforcement
          22. desired behavior is reinforced every single time it occurs
          23. 2. Partial Reinforcement
          24. response is reinforced only part of the time
          25. 1. Fixed-ratio schedules
          26. response is reinforced only after a specified number of responses
          27. 2. Variable-ratio schedules
          28. esponse is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses
          29. 3. Fixed-interval schedules
          30. first response is rewarded only after a specified amount of time has elapsed
          31. 4. Variable-interval schedules
          32. response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time has passed
  2. Cognitive Theories
    1. internal mental states
      1. motivation
      2. problem solving
      3. decision-making
      4. thinking
      5. attention
    2. What Is Cognitive Psychology? 1950s -1970s
      1. tudies mental processes including how people think, perceive, remember and learn
        1. neuroscience
        2. linguistics
        3. philosophy
      2. core focus of cognitive psychology
        1. how people acquire, process and store information
    3. Important People
      1. Gustav Fechner
      2. Wilhelm Wundt
      3. Edward B. Titchener
      4. Hermann Ebbinghaus
      5. William James
      6. Wolfgang Kohler
      7. Edward Tolman
      8. Jean Piaget
      9. Noam Chomsky
      10. David Rumelhart
      11. James McClelland
    4. Major Topics
      1. Perception
      2. Language
      3. Attention
      4. Memory
      5. Problem-Solving
      6. Decision-Making and Judgment
      7. Intelligence
    5. Jean Will Fritz Piaget ( 9 Aug 1896 - 16 Sep1980)
      1. Schema Theory
        1. 1. Schemas
          1. What is Schema?
          2. mental and physical actions involved in understanding and knowing
          3. categories of knowledge
          4. help us to interpret and understand the world
          5. process of obtaining that knowledge
          6. experiences
          7. new information is used to modify, add to, or change previously existing schemas
        2. 2. Assimilation
          1. new information into our previously existing schema's
          2. subjective
          3. we tend to modify experience or information somewhat to fit in with our preexisting beliefs
        3. 3. Accommodation
          1. adaptation
          2. changing or altering our existing schemas in light of new information
          3. New schemas may also be developed
        4. 4. Equilibration
          1. balance between assimilation and accommodation
          2. balance between applying previous knowledge (assimilation) and changing behavior to account for new knowledge (accommodation)
      2. Stages of Cognitive Development
        1. 1. The Sensorimotor Stage (0-2)
          1. sensory perceptions + motor activities
          2. looking, sucking, grasping, and listening, to learn more about the environment
          3. Object Permanence
          4. child's understanding that objects continue to exist even though they cannot be seen or heard
          5. Substages of the Sensorimotor Stage
          6. 1. Reflexes (0-1 month)
          7. child understands the environment by sucking and looking
          8. 2. Primary Circular Reactions (1-4 months)
          9. coordinating sensation and new schemas
          10. 3. Secondary Circular Reactions (4-8 months)
          11. intentionally repeat an action
          12. 4. Coordination of Reactions (8-12 months)
          13. showing clear intentional actions
          14. 5. Tertiary Circular Reactions (12-18 months)
          15. period of trial-and-error
          16. 6. Early Representational Thought (18-24 months)
          17. symbols to represent events or objects
        2. 2. The Preoperational Stage (2-6)
          1. 1. Language development
          2. not yet understand concrete logic
          3. cannot mentally manipulate information
          4. unable to take the point of view of other people
          5. 2. Egocentrism
          6. three-dimensional display of a mountain scene
          7. unable to take on another person's perspective
          8. 3. Conservation
          9. different shaped cup
          10. number, length, mass, weight, volume, and quantity
        3. 3. The Concrete Operational Stage (7 -11)
          1. better understanding of mental operations
          2. thinking logically
          3. concrete events
          4. difficulty understanding abstract or hypothetical concepts
          5. 1. Logic
          6. fairly good at the use of inductive logic
          7. from a specific experience to a general principle
          8. difficulty using deductive logic
          9. 2. Reversibility
          10. understanding of reversibility, or awareness
          11. able to reverse the order of relationships between mental categories
        4. 4. The Formal Operational Stage (12 --->)
          1. ability to think about abstract concepts
          2. Skills
          3. logical thought
          4. deductive reasoning
          5. systematic planning
          6. 1. Logic
          7. thinking about possible outcomes and consequences of actions
          8. 2. Problem-Solving
          9. trial-and-error to solve problems
          10. ability to systematically solve a problem in a logical and methodical way
          11. able to quickly plan an organized approach to solving a problem
    6. Theories of Intelligence
      1. general ability
        1. aptitudes, skills and talents
      2. Charles Spearman (1863-1945) - General Intelligence
        1. existence of a general intelligence 1904
        2. known as g factor
          1. responsible for overall performance on mental ability tests
      3. Primary Mental Abilities
        1. Louis L. Thurstone - (1887-1955)
          1. focused on seven different "primary mental abilities."
          2. 1. Verbal comprehension
          3. 2. Reasoning
          4. 3. Perceptual speed
          5. 4. Numerical ability
          6. 5. Word fluency
          7. 6. Associative memory
          8. 7. Spatial visualization
      4. Multiple Intelligences
        1. Howard Gardner
          1. eight distinct intelligences
          2. 1. Visual-spatial Intelligence
          3. good with directions as well as maps, charts, videos and pictures
          4. 2. Verbal-linguistic Intelligence
          5. Words, Language and Writing
          6. 3. Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence
          7. Physical Movement, Motor Control
          8. 4. Logical-mathematical Intelligence
          9. Analyzing Problems and Mathematical Operations
          10. 5. Interpersonal Intelligence
          11. Understanding and Relating to Other People
          12. 6. Musical Intelligence
          13. Rhythm and Music
          14. 7. Intra personal Intelligence
          15. Introspection and Self-Reflection
          16. 8. Naturalistic Intelligence
          17. Finding Patters and Relationships to Nature
          18. 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
      5. Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
        1. Robert Sternberg
          1. "mental activity directed toward purposive adaptation to, selection and shaping of, real-world environments relevant to one’s life."
          2. 'successful intelligence,' -- three different factors
          3. 1. Analytical intelligence
          4. problem-solving abilities
          5. 2. Creative intelligence
          6. ability to deal with new situations using past experiences and current skills
          7. 3. Practical intelligence
          8. ability to adapt to a changing environment
    7. What Is a Genius IQ Score?
      1. Alfred Binet
    8. Gestalt psychology
      1. founded by German thinkers Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka
      2. focused on how people interpret the world
      3. formed partially as a response to the structuralism of Wilhelm Wundt
      4. phi phenomenon.
        1. illusion of motion
    9. What Is Attention?
      1. how we actively process specific information
      2. William James
    10. Memory
      1. the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain and later retrieve information
      2. three major processes
        1. 1. encoding
        2. 2. storage
        3. 3. retrieval
      3. The Stage Model of Memory
        1. proposed in 1968 by Atkinson and Shiffrin
        2. three separate stages of memory
          1. 1. sensory memory
          2. sensory information from the environment is stored for a very brief period of time
          3. a half-second for visual information
          4. 3 or 4 seconds for auditory information
          5. 2. short-term memory
          6. active memory kept for 20 to 30 seconds
          7. 3. long-term memory
          8. continuing storage of information
    11. Forgetting
      1. Elizabeth Loftus
        1. four major reasons
          1. 1. retrieval failure
          2. decay theory
          3. fade and disappear
          4. 2. interference
          5. two basic types of interference
          6. 1. Proactive interference
          7. 2. Retroactive interference
          8. 3. failure to store
          9. Encoding failures
          10. 4. motivated forgetting
          11. conscious form of forgetting, and repression
    12. Left Brain vs Right Brain
      1. The Right Brain
        1. Recognizing faces
        2. Expressing emotions
        3. Music
        4. Reading emotions
        5. Color
        6. Images
        7. Intuition
        8. Creativity
      2. The Left Brain
        1. Language
        2. Logic
        3. Critical thinking
        4. Numbers
        5. Reasoning
    13. What Are the Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization?
      1. law of similarity
      2. Law of Pragnanz
      3. Law of Proximity
      4. Law of Continuity
      5. Law of Closure
  3. Developmental Theories
    1. human growth, development, and learning
    2. What is Psychosexual Development?
      1. Sigmund Freud
        1. personality
          1. pleasure-seeking energies of the id
          2. libido
          3. psychosexual energy
        2. psychosexual stages
          1. 1. The Oral Stage (0-1 year)
          2. mouth
          3. sucking
          4. pleasure from oral stimulation
          5. Oral fixation -->drinking, eating, smoking or nail biting
          6. 2. The Anal Stage (1 -3 yrs)
          7. Bowel and Bladder Control
          8. toilet training
          9. sense of accomplishment and independence
          10. stringent, orderly, rigid and obsessive
          11. 3. The Phallic Stage (3 -6 yrs)
          12. Genitals
          13. begin to discover the differences between males and females
          14. The Oedipus complex
          15. Electra complex
          16. 4. Latent Period (6 - puberty)
          17. Sexual Feelings Are Inactive
          18. Ego
          19. Super-ego
          20. 5. The Genital Stage (puberty - death
          21. Maturing Sexual Interests
    3. Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development
    4. Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development
      1. six stages
        1. Level 1. Preconventional Morality
          1. Stage 1 - Obedience and Punishment
          2. rules as fixed and absolute
          3. Obeying the rules
          4. to avoid punishment
          5. Stage 2 - Individualism and Exchange
          6. individual points of view and judge actions
        2. Level 2. Conventional Morality
          1. Stage 3 - Interpersonal Relationships
          2. "good boy-good girl" orientation
          3. focused on living up to social expectations and roles
          4. Stage 4 - Maintaining Social Order
          5. people begin to consider society as a whole when making judgments
          6. doing one’s duty and respecting authority
        3. Level 3. Postconventional Morality
          1. Stage 5 - Social Contract and Individual Rights
          2. account for the differing values, opinions and beliefs of other people
          3. Stage 6 - Universal Principles
          4. universal ethical principles and abstract reasoning
    5. Bandura's Social Learning Theory
      1. Albert Bandura
      2. 1. People can learn through observation.
        1. Observational Learning
      3. 2. Mental states are important to learning.
        1. Intrinsic Reinforcement
          1. pride, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment
      4. 3. Learning does not necessarily lead to a change in behavior
        1. The Modeling Process
          1. 1. Attention
          2. paying attention
          3. 2. Retention
          4. store information
          5. 3. Reproduction
          6. practice
          7. 4. Motivation
          8. learning to be successful,
    6. Attachment Theory
      1. The Components of Attachment
        1. Safe Haven
        2. Secure Base
        3. Proximity Maintenance
        4. Separation Distress
      2. Characteristics of Attachment
        1. Characteristics of Secure Attachment
        2. Characteristics of Ambivalent Attachment
        3. Characteristics of Avoidant Attachment
        4. Problems with Attachment
    7. The Four Styles of Parenting
      1. 1. Authoritarian Parenting
      2. 2. Authoritative Parenting
      3. 3. Permissive Parenting
      4. 4. Uninvolved Parenting
  4. Humanist Theories 1950s
    1. focused on each individual's potential and stressed the importance of growth and self-actualization
    2. 1962, Abraham Maslow published Toward a Psychology of Being
    3. Major Thinkers
      1. Abraham Maslow
        1. 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation"1 and his subsequent book, Motivation and Personalit
      2. Carl Rogers
      3. Rollo May
      4. Erich Fromm
    4. The Five Levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
      1. 1. Physiological Needs
        1. water, air, food and sleep
      2. 2. Security Needs
        1. safety for survival
          1. steady employment, health insurance, safe neighborhoods and shelter
      3. 3. Social Needs
        1. Relationships
          1. friendships, romantic attachments and families
          2. ocial, community or religious groups
      4. 4. Esteem Needs
        1. self-esteem, personal worth, social recognition and accomplishment
      5. 5. Self-actualizing Needs
        1. self-aware
        2. self-fulfillment
        3. 1. Acceptance and Realism
        4. 2. Problem-centering
        5. 3. Spontaneity
        6. 4. Autonomy and Solitude
        7. 5. Continued Freshness of Appreciation
        8. 6. Peak Experiences
      6. Types of Needs
        1. 1. Deficiency needs
        2. 2. Growth needs
    5. What Is Self-Efficacy?
      1. Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory
        1. the role of observational learning, social experience, and reciprocal determinism in the development of personality
        2. seminal 1977 paper, "Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change
      2. a person’s attitudes, abilities, and cognitive skills comprise
        1. self-system
      3. belief in one’s capabilities
      4. The Role of Self-Efficacy
      5. four major Sources of Self-Efficacy
        1. 1. Mastery Experiences
        2. 2. Social Modeling
        3. 3. Social Persuasion
        4. 4. Psychological Responses
  5. Personality Theories
    1. What Is Personality?
      1. characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors
    2. characteristics of personality
      1. 1. Consistency
        1. recognizable order and regularity to behaviors
      2. 2.Psychological and physiological
        1. psychological construct
          1. influenced by biological processes and needs
      3. 3. It impacts behaviors and actions
        1. causes us to act in certain ways
      4. 4. Multiple expressions
        1. displayed in more than just behavior
    3. Type theories
      1. Trait theories
      2. Psychodynamic theories
      3. Behavioral theories
      4. Humanist theories
    4. Trait Theory of Personality
      1. Gordon Allport’s Trait Theory
        1. traits into three levels
          1. 1. Cardinal Traits
          2. 2. Central Traits
          3. 3. Secondary Traits
      2. Raymond Cattell’s Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
      3. Eysenck’s Three Dimensions of Personality
        1. 1. Introversion/Extraversion
          1. directing attention on inner experiences
          2. quiet and reserved
          3. focusing attention outward on other people and the environment
          4. sociable and outgoing
        2. 2. Neuroticism/Emotional Stability
          1. upset or emotional
        3. 3. Psychoticism
          1. mental illness
      4. The Five-Factor (Big Five) Theory of Personality
        1. 1. Extraversion
          1. excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and high amounts of emotional expressiveness
        2. 2. Agreeableness
          1. trust, altruism, kindness, affection, and other prosocial behaviors
        3. 3. Conscientiousness
          1. high levels of thoughtfulness, with good impulse control and goal-directed behaviors
        4. 4. Neuroticism
          1. emotional instability, anxiety, moodiness, irritability, and sadness
        5. 5. Openness
          1. imagination and insight
    5. Henry Murray and Psychogenic Needs (1893-1988)
      1. two types
        1. 1. Primary Needs
          1. biological demands
          2. oxygen, food, and water
        2. 2. Secondary Needs
          1. generally psychological
          2. nurturing, independence, and achievement
      2. List of Psychogenic Needs
        1. 1. Ambition Needs
          1. Achievement
          2. Success, accomplishment, and overcoming obstacles.
          3. Exhibition
          4. Shocking or thrilling other people.
          5. Recognition
          6. Displaying achievements and gaining social status.
        2. 2. Materialistic Needs
          1. Acquisition
          2. Obtaining things.
          3. Construction
          4. Creating things
          5. Order
          6. Making things neat and organized.
          7. Retention
          8. Keeping things.
        3. 3. Power Needs
          1. Abasement
          2. Confessing and apologizing.
          3. Autonomy
          4. Independence and resistance.
          5. Aggression
          6. Attacking or ridiculing others.
          7. Blame Avoidance
          8. Following the rules and avoiding blame.
          9. Deference
          10. Obeying and cooperating with others.
          11. Dominance
          12. Controlling others.
        4. 4. Affection Needs
          1. Affiliation
          2. Spending time with other people.
          3. Nurturance
          4. Taking care of another person.
          5. Play
          6. Having fun with others.
          7. Rejection
          8. Rejecting other people.
          9. Succorance
          10. Being helped or protected by other
        5. 5. Information Needs
          1. Cognizance
          2. Seeking knowledge and asking questions
          3. Exposition
          4. Education others
    6. Karen Horney's List of Neurotic Needs
      1. 10 neurotic needs
        1. 1. The Neurotic Need for Affection and Approval
        2. 2. The Neurotic Need for a Partner Who Will Take Over One’s Life
        3. 3. The Neurotic Need to Restrict One’s Life Within Narrow Borders
        4. 4. The Neurotic Need for Power
        5. 5. The Neurotic Need to Exploit Others
        6. 6. The Neurotic Need for Prestige
        7. 7. The Neurotic Need for Personal Admiration
        8. 8. The Neurotic Need for Personal Achievement
        9. 9. The Neurotic Need for Self-Sufficiency and Independence
        10. 10. The Neurotic Need for Perfection and Unassailability
    7. Defense Mechanisms
      1. Sigmund Freud's topographical model of personality
        1. id
          1. wants, needs and impulses
        2. ego
          1. reality
        3. superego
          1. idealistic and moral manner
        4. anxiety
          1. three types of anxiety
          2. 1. Neurotic anxiety
          3. unconscious worry
          4. 2. Reality anxiety
          5. fear of real-world events
          6. 3. Moral anxiety
          7. fear of violating our own moral principles
    8. 10 Types of Defense Mechanisms by Anna Freud
      1. 1. Denial
      2. 2. Repression
      3. 3. Suppression
      4. 4. Displacement
      5. 5. Sublimation
      6. 6. Projection
      7. 7. Intellectualization
      8. 8. Rationalization
      9. 9.Regression
      10. 10. Reaction Formation
      11. Other Defense Mechanisms
        1. Acting out
        2. Affiliation
        3. Aim inhibition
        4. Altruism
        5. Avoidance
        6. Compensation
        7. Humor
        8. Passive-aggression
    9. Jung's Archetypes
      1. four major archetypes
        1. 1. The Self
          1. unification of the unconsciousness and consciousness of an individual
        2. 2. The Shadow
          1. sex and life instincts
        3. 3. The Anima or Animus
          1. anima is a feminine image in the male psyche
          2. animus is a male image in the female psyche
        4. 4. The Persona
          1. mask
          2. may appear in dreams and take a number of different forms
        5. Other Archetypes
          1. father
          2. Authority figure; stern; powerful.
          3. mother
          4. Nurturing; comforting
          5. child
          6. Longing for innocence; rebirth; salvation.
          7. wise old man
          8. Guidance; knowledge; wisdom.
          9. hero
          10. Champion; defender; rescuer.
          11. maiden
          12. Innocence; desire; purity.
          13. trickster
          14. Deceiver; liar; trouble-maker.
  6. Social Psychology Theories
    1. The Bystander Effect
    2. The Asch Conformity Experiments
    3. The Milgram Obedience Experiment
      1. Leadership Theories - 8 Major Leadership Theories
        1. 1. "Great Man" Theories:
        2. 2. Trait Theories:
        3. 3. Contingency Theories:
        4. 4. Situational Theories:
        5. 5. Behavioral Theories:
        6. 6. Participative Theories:
        7. 7. Management Theories:
        8. 8. Relationship Theories:
    4. Theories of Love