1. Milton Erickson
    1. The unconscious mind is a well of wise solutions and forgotten personal power
    2. teaching tales
      1. Establishing rapport
      2. Mirroring
      3. Indirect logic
      4. Reframing
      5. The wisdom within
  2. Mismatch theory (Maslach et al., 2000)
    1. Workload
    2. Control
    3. Rewards
    4. Community
    5. Fairness
    6. Values
  3. Burnout
    1. Three dimensions of burnout
      1. Exhaustion
      2. Cynicism
      3. Ineffectiveness
    2. Factors that influence burn out
      1. Situational factors
      2. Factors within the person
        1. Demographics
        2. Personality
        3. Attitudes
  4. Zajonc
    1. Social facilitation
    2. Evaluation apprehension
  5. Abraham Maslow
    1. Hierarchy of needs
      1. 5. Self-Actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.
        1. Self-Actualisation
          1. Truth
          2. Simplicity
          3. Innocence
          4. Beauty
      2. 4. Esteem needs - achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, self-respect, respect from others.
      3. 3. Love and belongingness needs - friendship, intimacy, affection and love, - from work group, family, friends, romantic relationships.
      4. 2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, stability, freedom from fear.
      5. 1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep.
  6. Carl Jung
    1. Personality
      1. extroversion
        1. Intuiting
        2. Sensing
        3. Feeling
        4. Thinking
      2. introversion
        1. Thinking
        2. Feeling
        3. Sensing
        4. Intuiting
    2. Archetypes
      1. Anima
        1. The Fairy princess
        2. The Amazon
        3. The Mother/ Queen
        4. The Lover
      2. The Shadow
      3. Animus
        1. The King
        2. The Lover
        3. The Magician
        4. The Warrior
    3. Collective unconscious
    4. Individuation
    5. Mandala
  7. Hans Eysenck
    1. Introversion
    2. Extraversion
    3. Neuroticism
    4. Psychoticism
    5. Biological bases ARAS
  8. Sigmund Freud
    1. Topology
      1. Id
        1. Pleasure principle
      2. Ego
        1. Reality principle
      3. Super Ego
        1. Conscience
        2. Ideal self
    2. Psychosexual stages
      1. Oral
        1. Ego develops
      2. Anal
      3. Phalic
        1. Superego develops
      4. Latent
      5. Genital
    3. Defense Mechanisms
      1. Repression
      2. Projection
      3. Displacement
      4. Sublimation
      5. Denial
      6. Regression
      7. Rationalization
      8. Reaction formation
      9. Idealisation
      10. Identification with the Aggressor
  9. Anna Freud
    1. Defense Mechanisims
  10. John Bowlby
    1. Attachment theory
      1. Secure base
      2. Safe heaven
      3. Proximity maintenance
      4. Seperation distress
        1. Stranger Anxiety - response to arrival of a stranger.
        2. Separation Anxiety - distress level when separated from carer, degree of comfort needed on return.
        3. Social Referencing - degree that child looks at carer to check how they should respond to something new (secure base).
    2. Attachment style
      1. Insecure Ambivalent / Resistant
      2. Insecure Avoidant
      3. Disorganised
      4. Secure
  11. Mary Ainsworth
    1. Strange Situation Procedure
  12. Melanie Klein
    1. Good breast/bad breast
    2. Gratitude
    3. Envy
    4. Depressive
    5. Schizoid
  13. Alfred Adler
    1. Inferiority complex
    2. Pathological power drive
  14. Carl Rogers
    1. Letting everyone be themselves
    2. Becoming a real person
    1. Obedience to Authority
    2. The ability to disobey
    3. From individual to “agent”
  16. Anne Moir & David Jessel
    1. Intelligence and emotion
    2. Men’s brains are more specialized and compartmentalized, with their spatial and language skills located in specific centers
    3. Men’s brains give them an action orientation and a preference for things over people.
    4. women’s brain functions are generally more diffused, with these skills controlled by centers in both sides.
    5. Women are receiving more emotional input, reacting more strongly to it, and expressing it with greater force
  17. Secrets of the brain
    1. Hunch physiological effect before actual concious decision
    2. Oxytocin when taken satiates sex longing
    3. Decision making: Rational linked with emotions
    4. Ulysses contract - willpower decisions
    5. Willpower less with curbed emotions - reduce physical strength - Willpower is stored energy and can be used up
    6. Dopamie stimulation to addiction
    7. Ego depletion before lunch
  18. V. S. Ramachandran
    1. Brain
      1. Right
        1. our emotions and a holistic awareness of life.
        2. challenge the status quo
        3. look for inconsistencies and any sign of change.
        4. reality check,
      2. Left
        1. thought or speech—the rational aspect of consciousness.
        2. works to create belief systems or models of reality
        3. conformist in nature and “always tries to cling tenaciously to the way things were.”
        4. employs defense mechanisms of denial or repression to preserve the status quo
        5. denials and confabulations. - self-delusion
      3. medulla oblongata
        1. regulates blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing
      4. frontal lobes
        1. wisdom, planning, and judgment
      5. thalamus
        1. center of the brain
        2. primitive part of the brain
        3. all senses are relayed except forvsmell
      6. hypothalamus
        1. related to “drives” such as aggression, sex, and fear,
        2. and also to hormonal and metabolic functions.
      7. consciousness
        1. amygdala and the temporal lobes play a vital role in consciousness
        2. How and Why pathways
    2. The brain will do anything to preserve a sense of self
    3. Anasognosia
      1. denies that their arm or leg has become paralyzed
  19. Conditioning
    1. Ivan pavlov
      1. Classical
    2. B.F Skinner
      1. Operational
        1. Punishment +VE / -VE
        2. Reinforcement +VE / -VE
        3. Types
          1. Variable Ratio
          2. Fixed ratio
          3. Variable Interval
          4. Fixed interval
  20. Albert Bandura
    1. Vicarious learning
    2. Self Efficacy
  21. Daniel Kahneman
    1. System 1
      1. Conscious action
    2. System2
      1. Irrational
  22. The Dark Triad
    1. Psychotism
    2. Narcissism
    3. Machiavellianism
  23. Robert Cialdini
    1. Influences
      1. Reciprocation
      2. Commitment and consistency
      3. Social proof
      4. Liking
      5. Authority
      6. Scarcity
      7. Contrast principle
  24. Eric Erikson
    1. Psychosocial stages
      1. Trust vs. Mistrust (0-1.5)
      2. Autonomy vs. Shame (1.5 to 3)
      3. Initiative vs. Guilt (3-5)
      4. Industry vs. Inferiority (5-12)
      5. Identity vs. Role Confusion (12-18)
        1. Identity crisis
      6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (18-40)
      7. . Generativity vs. Stagnation (40-65)
      8. Ego Integrity vs. Despair (65+)
  25. Jean Piaget
    1. Cognitive Theory
      1. Schemas
      2. Adaptation (Equilibrium, Assimilation and Accommodation)
      3. Stages of Development:
        1. sensorimotor, 0 - 2 yrs.
          1. Object Permanence
          2. Blanket & Ball Study
        2. preoperational, 2 - 7 yrs.
          1. Egocentrism
          2. Three Mountains
        3. concrete operational, 7 – 11 yrs.
          1. Conservation
          2. Conservation of Number
        4. formal operational. 11yrs +
          1. Abstract Reasoning
          2. Pendulum Task
  26. Lev Vygotsky
    1. Zone of Proximal Development
  27. Philip Zimbardo
    1. Stanford Prison Experiment
      1. Conformity
  28. Harlow
    1. Harlow’s Monkeys
    2. Safe Base
  29. Fritz Perls
    1. Gestalt = wholeness
      1. Awareness of body and emotion
    2. Contact and confluence
      1. Smell, touch, taste, hearing, and seeing are our “contact boundary”
      2. “confluence,” acting out of what you have been taught to do, out of habit
  30. Schema theory
    1. Within units of knowledge, or schemata, is stored information
  31. Robert E. Thayer
    1. The Origin of Everyday Moods: Managing Energy, Tension, and Stress (1996)
  32. Robert Bolton
    1. People Skills