1. Administrative Responsibility and Ethics
    1. S. Maynard-Moody & M. Musheno
      1. Recent research on the importance the role of ethics plays in public administration (Starling, 2008, pg. 157)
        1. Ideal of Administrative Responsibility: Six Subsections
          1. Responsiveness
          2. Fairness
          3. Flexibility
          4. Honesty
          5. Accountability
          6. Competence
    2. Resource Management
      1. Cultural Competency & Diversity - Mitchell, F. 2007
      2. Human Resources
      3. Information Management
  2. Program Management
    1. Planning (Starling, 2008, pg. 207)
      1. Policy
      2. Plan
        1. Objectives
        2. Goals
        3. Evaluation
      3. Program
    2. Strategic Management
      1. Four basic components of Strategic Management
        1. 1. Define mission and outcomes
        2. 2. Align activities, processes and resources
        3. 3. Implement
        4. Produce performance measure
  3. Decision Making
    1. Identify the Problem (or Opportunity)
      1. Gather Facts
      2. Consulting People
    2. Implementing & evaluating the decision
  4. Organizing
    1. Organizational Designs
      1. Leader-Follower Organization
      2. Bureaucracy
      3. Matrix Approach
      4. Team Approach
      5. Re-organization
    2. Four Pitfalls of Reform
      1. Monetary Illusions
      2. Cultural Conflicts
      3. Organizational Despecialization
      4. Redundancy Reduction
  5. u10a1 - Mind Map - Bonnie Corns
  6. Woodrow Wilson 1887
    1. Wilsonian perspective (management)
  7. Max Weber 1922
    1. A German sociologist who had a profound influence on the course of American public administration and who was the first to define fully the bureaucratic form of organization.
  8. Sanford Borins
    1. New Public Management (NPM)
      1. Post-New Public Management
      2. 5 key ideas for improving public management
  9. James Madison 1787
    1. Madisonian perspective (legal)
  10. Franklin Roosevelt 1940
    1. Rooseveltian perspective (political)
  11. Principal-Agent Theory
    1. An economic model depicting a principal (contractor) and agent (contractee) relationship
  12. Henri Fayol 1916
    1. 5 key elements : planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating & controlling; lasting influence on public administration
  13. Ethics in Public Administration
    1. Administrative Procedures Act 1946
  14. James H. Svara 1999
    1. Idea that complementarity is an alternative theory to politics-administration dichotomy
  15. Dwight Waldo 1946
    1. Theories of public administration are theories of politics