Administrative Responsibility and Ethics
S. Maynard-Moody & M. Musheno
Recent research on the importance the role of ethics plays in public administration (Starling, 2008, pg. 157)
Ideal of Administrative Responsibility: Six Subsections
- Responsiveness
- Fairness
- Flexibility
- Honesty
- Accountability
- Competence
Resource Management
- Cultural Competency & Diversity - Mitchell, F. 2007
- Human Resources
- Information Management
Program Management
Planning (Starling, 2008, pg. 207)
- Policy
- Objectives
- Goals
- Evaluation
- Program
Strategic Management
Four basic components of Strategic Management
- 1. Define mission and outcomes
- 2. Align activities, processes and resources
- 3. Implement
- Produce performance measure
Decision Making
Identify the Problem (or Opportunity)
- Gather Facts
- Consulting People
- Implementing & evaluating the decision
Organizational Designs
- Leader-Follower Organization
- Bureaucracy
- Matrix Approach
- Team Approach
- Re-organization
Four Pitfalls of Reform
- Monetary Illusions
- Cultural Conflicts
- Organizational Despecialization
- Redundancy Reduction
- u10a1 - Mind Map - Bonnie Corns
Woodrow Wilson 1887
- Wilsonian perspective (management)
Max Weber 1922
- A German sociologist who had a profound influence on the course of American public administration and who was the first to define fully the bureaucratic form of organization.
Sanford Borins
New Public Management (NPM)
- Post-New Public Management
- 5 key ideas for improving public management
James Madison 1787
- Madisonian perspective (legal)
Franklin Roosevelt 1940
- Rooseveltian perspective (political)
Principal-Agent Theory
- An economic model depicting a principal (contractor) and agent (contractee) relationship
Henri Fayol 1916
- 5 key elements : planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating & controlling; lasting influence on public administration
Ethics in Public Administration
- Administrative Procedures Act 1946
James H. Svara 1999
- Idea that complementarity is an alternative theory to politics-administration dichotomy
Dwight Waldo 1946
- Theories of public administration are theories of politics