1. Projects
    1. Current
      1. Fellowship Progams
        1. Fung Fellowship
      2. Academic Advising
      3. Student Resources Page
      4. Curriculum
        1. Honors Thesis
        2. Capstone Course
    2. Proposed
      1. Student Development
        1. Workshops (November)
          1. Career Development
          2. Student Needs Assessment
      2. Program Capacity Assessment
        1. Creating Math Model
          1. Key Variables
          2. How much staff support needed?
          3. How much advisers are needed?
          4. How much GSIs are needed?
          5. How much classrooms are needed?
          6. How much faculty is needed?
          7. How much Career Services support needed?
  2. Peer Institutions
    1. Johns Hopkins
      1. Student Goals
        1. Prepare students for graduate school
          1. MPH
          2. PhD
          3. Law
          4. Medicine
      2. Undergraduate Requirements
        1. 80 hrs Required Internship/Volunteer Experience
        2. Students req. to take Graduate Courses Senior Year
    2. USC
      1. Student Goals
        1. Prepare students for entry level PH job or graduate school
        2. Practice based learning
          1. Events to bring in professionals
          2. Students Debate Current Ballot Initiatives
    3. Brown University
      1. Student Goals
        1. Prepare students for entry level PH job or graduate school
    4. UNC Chappell Hill
      1. Student Goals
        1. Prepare students for entry level PH job or graduate school
    5. University of Texas
      1. Student Goals
        1. Prepare students for entry level PH job or graduate school
  3. Student Outreach
    1. Current PH Major Feeder
      1. Biology Scholars Program
      2. CHE
      3. PAHC
      4. BSHA
      5. AAPIRG
      6. Undergraduate Public Health Coalition
      7. Education Opportunity Program
      8. Stiles Hall
    2. New Opportunities to Explore
      1. Freshman Students
      2. Transfer Students
  4. Goals
    1. Short-Term & Long Term Goals
      1. Short Term 1-3 years
        1. Perform a SWOT Analysis
          1. Strengths
          2. Weaknesses
          3. Opportunities
          4. Threats
      2. Long Term 3 years and beyond
    2. Defining Key Terms in a Glossary
      1. Mission
      2. Objectives
      3. Goals
      4. Values