1. introduction
    1. ¨business is presentation¨
    2. plan of chapters
      1. objectives
      2. notes and theory
      3. proposition
      4. activities and assignments
  2. communication apprehension
    1. deal with nervousness
    2. visual aids
  3. techniques of delivery
    1. charisma
      1. be positive
      2. have a attitude
      3. look good
    2. using your hands
    3. facial expressions
      1. eye contact
    4. voice
      1. volume
      2. pronunciation
  4. listening skills
    1. learn how to become a good speaker
    2. take notes
  5. topic
    1. research
      1. magazine
      2. newspaper
      3. book and texts
      4. book of quotations
    2. organized
      1. introduction
      2. body
      3. conclusion
    3. interesting
  6. modes of speaking
    1. impromptu
    2. manuscript
    3. memorized
  7. purposes of speaking
    1. persuasive
      1. logic argument
      2. use emotion
      3. build credibility
    2. informative
      1. understandable
      2. active speech
    3. entertain
  8. literature interpretation
    1. read
      1. voice
      2. body
      3. feelings
  9. applied activities
    1. talk show
    2. legal debate
    3. parliamentary debate