1. Strategy
    1. Create 1 Irresitible Promotional Offer
      1. Seasonal Hiring
      2. Case Study
      3. Reasons why our clients love us
      4. Results we can do for them
    2. Focus on 1 Internal Objective -> Book Appointments
    3. Set 3 Objectives on LinkedIn Ads
    4. 1 Carousel Post
    5. Test with 5 Different Ad Copy
      1. short ad copy
      2. long ad copy
    6. Link -> Direct Book Appointment via Microsoft Bookings
  2. Objectives
    1. Ad Engagement
      1. Launch this campaign first to generate engagements
    2. Traffic
      1. After getting engagements, launch this campaign objective
    3. Remarketing
      1. Retarget people who engaged with the posts
      2. Retarget people who click on the link
      3. Retarget people who visited our website in the past year
  3. Ad Targeting
    1. Ad Engagement
      1. Ad Set A: Target people who follow company LinkedIn page: iPlace
      2. Ad Set B: Targeting the decision makers of our ideal clients
    2. Traffic
      1. Target decision makers of our ideal clients
    3. Remarketing
      1. People who visited our website/engage on our page
    4. Bidding
      1. Automatic Bidding
        1. Ad Engagement - Run for 15 Days ONLY - $20 per day
        2. Traffic - Set daily budget - $50 per day > $70
        3. Retargeting - $10 per day > $30
  4. Ad Creatives
    1. Carousel - Case Study
      1. Hook Headline
      2. Focus on the Value in Seasonal Hiring
      3. Social Proof of Finding Top Talents for a Well-Known Corporation - Be transparent that we cannot disclose any information because we signed an NDA
      4. Behind our success is our people - a little story how we meet clients expectations while having a healthy workplace
      5. A bit of information about Launchpad
      6. CTA: Book a meeting with us
    2. Find a Carousel Inspiration
      1. It will serve as a template/inspiration of Ashish
      2. I will use Canva for the draft post
  5. Ad Copy
    1. Ad Copy 1: News-worthy caption how we're changing thousands of lives all over the world
    2. Ad Copy 2: Highlight clients results
    3. Ad Copy 3: Highlight how we help clients through our gamification
    4. Ad Copy 4: Short promotional copy
    5. Ad Copy 5: Long promotional copy