1. Key Definitions
    1. Nat Sy State Survival
    2. Int relations conflictual
    3. Pessimistic view of life
      1. Rational Behaviour Not always present
    4. Scepticism about politics
    5. Oldest and most dominant IR Theory
  2. Systems
    1. State centric
    2. Anarchy focussed
      1. World system leaderless
      2. everyone for themselves
    3. Uncertainty of trust
    4. Survival & Power
      1. Framework for existence
    5. Int Orgs do not matter
      1. NGOs, Trans-National actors
  3. States
    1. Pre-eminent in World Politics
    2. Responsible for own Survival
  4. People
    1. Conservative
    2. Sceptical about human nature
    3. Considers Human nature as unpredictable
  5. Dealing with Threats
    1. Balance of Power
      1. Bandwaggoning
      2. Alliance with Supreme Pwr
      3. Concerns over relative Pwr limits
      4. Failure of League of Nations
    2. Polarity
      1. Most safe is Bi-Polar
      2. Least safe is Multi-Polar
  6. Critics
    1. State losing importance
    2. Globalisation a threat
    3. Observed Behaviour at odds with reality
      1. Why doesn't France Balance against germany
  7. Origin
    1. Thucydides
      1. Growth of Athenia Fear of Sparta
    2. Machiavelli
      1. Before all else Be armed - The Prince
    3. Hobbes
      1. All against All
    4. Stalin
      1. How many Div's does he have
      2. Everyone imposes his own System as far as his Army can reach
    5. Mearsheimer
      1. Realism paints a grim picture IR is a state of constant Sy
  8. Neo-Realism
    1. Where we are now
    2. More theoretical
    3. Stronger cause & effect
    4. Tests theories
      1. uses hypothesis to test
    5. Sees system shaping international behaviour
      1. Have to behave in a certain way to react
    6. Power drives behaviour
      1. Power = military power
  9. Offence / Defence Balance
    1. Defence Realism
      1. States deterred by Strong Defence Nuclear Weapons
    2. Offence Realism
      1. Deterrence less practical War ever present risk - WW1