1. Test Environment (From Support Details)
  2. Default State
    1. Bangalore to Chennai
      1. 18 September 2021
        1. No Filters Applied
    2. Screenshot
  3. Features
    1. Lazy Loading is Implemented (For Buses)
  4. Creation of Test State
    1. Sort By Departure
      1. 90 Buses
        1. Filter Based on Time (6AM)
          1. Initial State for Testing
  5. Test Ideas
    1. Change Filter with Sort ON
    2. Funnel (Narrow) Down Search Results from N (N > 5) to 1
      1. Does it show any error on clicking on using sort option in 1 result?
    3. Reload Page and Check if URL is retained
    4. Manipulate URL and check if UI reflects
    5. Go to Bus Booking Options after applying filters / sort by
    1. Different Browsers
    2. Different Start / End Points for Journey
  7. Sort By
    1. Departure
    2. Duration
    3. Seats Available
    4. Arrival
    5. Ratings
    6. Fare
  8. Observations
    1. Initial State
      1. NO Default Sort Applied on any Sort Parameter
    2. Defaults
      1. Seats Available
        1. Descending
      2. Fare
        1. Ascending
      3. Rating
        1. Descending
      4. Duration
        1. Ascending
      5. Departure
        1. Ascending
    3. Sort By Hold True on Updating / Applying any filter
    4. Sort Feature
      1. Sort by Departure
        1. Departure Ascending
        2. Departure Descending
      2. Sort by Duration
        1. Ascending
        2. Descending
      3. Sort by Ratings
        1. Ascending
        2. Descending
      4. Sort by Fare
        1. Ascending
        2. Descending
      5. Sort by Arrival
        1. Ascending
        2. Descending
      6. Seats Available
        1. Ascending
        2. Descending
    5. Reload Page
      1. Brings to same state
    6. URL is NOT impacted on updating details
      1. https://www.redbus.in/bus-tickets/bangalore-to-chennai?fromCityName=Bangalore%20%28All%20Locations%29&fromCityId=122&toCityName=Chennai%20%28All%20Locations%29&toCityId=123&onward=18-Sep-2021&srcCountry=IND&destCountry=IND&opId=0&busType=Any
      2. https://www.redbus.in/bus-tickets/bangalore-to-chennai?fromCityName=Bangalore%20%28All%20Locations%29&fromCityId=122&toCityName=Chennai%20%28All%20Locations%29&toCityId=123&onward=18-Sep-2021&srcCountry=IND&destCountry=IND&opId=0&busType=Any
    7. Clicking on other Bus Booking options does not change results
    8. Deep Testing Required
      1. Need more investigation when we combine sort with other amenities option