1. refugees
  2. from
    1. Syria
    2. Iraq
    3. Eritrea
  3. How many
    1. 1.6 millions
      1. 800'000 asylum in Germany
      2. 120'000 in EU
    2. 700'000 in September
  4. How
  5. young migrants want to work
    1. retirement allocation
  6. growth in UE
    1. next year: 0.2 point
    2. 2023: prediction 1.3%
    3. 2025: GDB more 300 billon euros
  7. consumption
    1. each migrant:12'000 per year -> expenditure
  8. more people in Europe
    1. How many
      1. In 5 years: more 5 millions (+1.5%)
      2. prediction of UK: 60 millions from Africa in 2020
      3. 4 millions people in tempory protection near Syria
  9. workplace
    1. UE need high-skilled employees.
    2. UE surplus of unskilled labor.
  10. need housing
  11. Didier Morard