- refugees
- Syria
- Iraq
- Eritrea
How many
1.6 millions
- 800'000 asylum in Germany
- 120'000 in EU
- 700'000 in September
- How
young migrants want to work
- retirement allocation
growth in UE
- next year: 0.2 point
- 2023: prediction 1.3%
- 2025: GDB more 300 billon euros
- each migrant:12'000 per year -> expenditure
more people in Europe
How many
- In 5 years: more 5 millions (+1.5%)
- prediction of UK: 60 millions from Africa in 2020
- 4 millions people in tempory protection near Syria
- UE need high-skilled employees.
- UE surplus of unskilled labor.
- need housing
- Didier Morard