1. Mindmap by Alexander - http://www.vdsar.net - Twitter commands for Remember the Milk - v01
  2. Adding Tasks
    1. d rtm task
    2. d rtm task tomorrow
    3. d rtm task in 2 weeks
  3. Sending Tasks
    1. d rtm @username task
  4. Updating Tasks
    1. d rtm !complete task (!c)
    2. d rtm !postpone task (or !p)
  5. Getting Tasks
    1. d rtm !today (!tod)
    2. d rtm !tomorrow (!tom)
    3. d rtm !getdue friday (!gd)
    4. d rtm !getlist personal (!gl)
    5. d rtm !gettag call (!gt)
    6. d rtm !getlocation location (!go)
  6. Setting up
    1. d rtm !on - Enable reminders
    2. d rtm !off - disable reminders
    3. d rtm !confirmon - enable confirmations
    4. d rtm !confirmoff - disable confirmations
    5. d rtm !help - gets help info
    6. d rtm !tips - get tips
  7. Smart Add
    1. Task name & due date first, then order of commands below do not matter
    2. ^tomorrow
      1. Only when due dates are not recognized
    3. !1
      1. Set priority to 1, 2 or 3
    4. #list or #tag
      1. Non existing tags or lists will be created
    5. @location
      1. Location should already exist
    6. *weekly
      1. Repeat daily, weekly, biweekly, Monthly
    7. =10 min
      1. Set time estimate
    8. http://adres
    9. d rtm task tomorrow #call @home *weekly =10min http://www.yellowpages.com