1. Waht is Meaning of Reseach?
  2. Types of Research
    1. Basic Research
    2. Social Research
      1. 1. Ethnographic Research
      2. 2. Historical Research
      3. 3. Descriptive Research
      4. 4. Correlational Research
      5. 5. Experimental Research
      6. 6. Action Research
  3. What is Research Problem?
  4. Research Design
    1. 1. Identifying a problem
    2. 2. Clarifying the problem
    3. 3. Formulating hypotheses
    4. 4. Developing a methodology
      1. a) Sample
      2. b) Data
      3. 3. Tools
    5. 5. Reporting the finding
    6. 6. Recommendation
  5. Sampling
    1. Sample
    2. Population
    3. Sampling Techniques
      1. 1. Random Sampling
      2. 2. Stratified Random Sampling
      3. 3. Systematic sampling
      4. 4. Cluster sampling
      5. 5. Convenience sampling
      6. 6. Purposive samplling
      7. 7. Snow ball sampling
  6. Measurement and Scaling Techniques
  7. Method of Data collection
  8. Analysis of Data
  9. Hypotheses
    1. Types of Hypotheses
      1. (H) for Hypothesis
      2. (Ho) Null-Hypothesis
    2. Hypotheses Testing
  10. Tools
    1. Questionnaire
      1. Types of questions
        1. 1. "Wh' questions
        2. 2. 'Yes/no' or Agree/Disagree or True/False
        3. 3. Preferential questions
        4. 4. Open-ended questions
    2. Interview protocal
    3. Classroom tests papers
    4. Teacher's diary
    5. Audio/ Video records
    6. Check list