1. 5000-word research paper. Individually or in group, plus 1000-word reflective piece
    1. Structure
    2. Present it exactly as a journal would be presented
    3. Literature review
    4. Make sure you get a supervisor who is sympathetic to your chosen style of research
    5. General research questions come from the literature
    6. Include limitations, and areas for future research
  2. Data Collection
  3. Data Analysis
  4. Ethics/Access
  5. Developing informed consent - Saunders book
  6. Random stuff
    1. SBSS software
    2. Bryman & Bell
    3. Contrasts slide on Powerpoint
    4. Veal qualitative data collection book
    5. Saunders research book
  7. Philosophy
    1. Egon Guba, 1990. The paradigm dialogue
      1. Positivism
      2. Post positivism
      3. Critical Theory
      4. Interpretivism
      5. Theory testing - the inductive approach. The top down pyramid. Qualitative. Deductive.
      6. Deductive approach
  8. Methodology
  9. Lit review should start broad and arrive at the key quesiotn of the paper
  10. Ethics
    1. Privacy etc
    2. What effects will the research have on the participants?
    3. Ethical concerns should be addressed in a section of the full dissertation. Not necessarily in the module apaer.
  11. Qualitative
  12. Collecting qualitative data
    1. NVivo
    2. SPSS
  13. Simon.thomas@southwales.ac.uk. 01443 482331