3. BODY
    1. I) Introduction
      1. A. Statement of topic area
      2. B. Statement of general issues
      3. C. General goal of paper
      4. D. Literature review
        1. 1. Historical overview
        2. 2. Major contributions to this research area
        3. 3. Statement of purpose, including identification of gaps
        4. 4. Hypotheses
    2. II) Method
      1. A. Participants
        1. 1. How many?
        2. 2. Characteristics (male/female, proficiency level, native language,
      2. B. Materials
        1. 1. What instruments?
        2. 2. What sort of test? What sort of task?
      3. C. Procedures
        1. 1. How is the treatment to be administered?
        2. 2. How/when is the testing to be conducted?
      4. D. Analysis
        1. How will the results be analyzed?
    3. III) Results
      1. Charts, tables, and/or figures
      2. verbal descriptions
    4. IV) Discussion/conclusion
      1. Restatement of the main idea of the study
      2. • Summary of the findings
      3. • Interpretation of the findings in light of the research questions
      4. • Proposed explanation of the findings, usually including information
      5. about any findings that were contrary to expectations
      6. • Limitations of the study
      7. • Suggestions for future research
  4. NOTES