1. Nurture a positive view of people
    1. Optimism
    2. Function Socially
    3. Positive Relationships
      1. Supportive adult or other
    4. Spirituality and Religious Beliefs
  2. Sense of autonomy and control
    1. Problem Solving
    2. Life Satisfaction
    3. Ability To Understand
    4. Think Clearly
    5. Function Socially
    6. Decision Making
    7. Opportunities for Learning and Development
    8. Sense Of Control
    9. Pursuit Of Goals
    10. Ability to shape own Circumstances
    11. Belief in own Capabilities
    12. Self-Determination
    13. Knowledge Skills and Resources
    14. Independence
  3. Feeling valued and recognised
    1. Function Socially
    2. Positive Relationships
      1. Supportive adult or other
    3. Communication Skills
    4. Spirituality
    5. Cultural Identity
    6. Having a valued social role
      1. Volunteering
        1. Connectedness to Community
    7. Sense Of Belonging
    8. Feel Involved in the Family
      1. Friends
        1. Neighbourhood
          1. Community
  4. Being critical and reflective
    1. Problem Solving
    2. Ability To Understand
    3. Think Clearly
  5. Hopeful outlook
    1. Hopefulness
    2. Optimism
    3. Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems
    4. Accept that change is a part of living and be creative
    5. Spirituality and Religious Beliefs
    6. Opportunities for Learning and Development
  6. Having meaning and purpose
    1. Ability To Understand
    2. Think Clearly
    3. Spirituality and Religious Beliefs
    4. Cultural Identity
    5. Opportunities for Learning and Development
    6. Hobbies
    7. Sense Of Control
    8. Pursuit Of Goals
    9. Having a valued social role
      1. Volunteering
        1. Connectedness to Community
    10. Sense Of Belonging
    11. Feel Involved in the Family
      1. Friends
        1. Neighbourhood
          1. Community
  7. Sense of competence and achievement
    1. Confidence
    2. Life Satisfaction
    3. Ability To Understand
    4. Think Clearly
    5. Decision Making
    6. Opportunities for Learning and Development
    7. Hobbies
    8. Sense Of Control
    9. Pursuit Of Goals
    10. Ability to shape own Circumstances
    11. Belief in own Capabilities
    12. Self-Determination
  8. Keeping things in perspective
    1. Ability To Understand
    2. Think Clearly
    3. Sense Of Control
  9. Emotional Well-Being
    1. Self Esteem
    2. Self Worth
    3. Confidence
    4. Hopefulness
    5. Optimism
    6. Life Satisfaction
    7. Enjoyment and Having Fun
    8. Function Socially
    9. Positive Relationships
      1. Supportive adult or other
    10. Spirituality and Religious Beliefs
    11. Cultural Identity
    12. Hobbies
    13. Healthy Lifestyle
      1. Healthy Eating
        1. Physical Activity
          1. Sensible Drinking
    14. Knowledge Skills and Resources
    15. Sense Of Control
    16. Belief in own Capabilities
    17. Having a valued social role
      1. Volunteering
        1. Connectedness to Community
    18. Sense Of Belonging
    19. Feel Involved in the Family
      1. Friends
        1. Neighbourhood
          1. Community