1. Rev.Ch.01 (Christ Appears)
    1. 1:1-3
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
    2. 1:4-6
      1. 1:4
        1. John: To 7 Churches (Asia)
          1. Grace & Peace
          2. From HIM
          3. which is
          4. which was
          5. which is to come
          6. From the 7 Spirits before HIS throne
      2. 1:5
        1. From Jesus Christ
          1. Who Is
          2. Faithful witness
          3. First begotten of the dead
          4. Prince of the kings of the earth
        2. Unto him that
          1. loved us
          2. washed us from our sins in his own blood
          3. hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father
        3. To HIM be (forever)
          1. Glory
          2. dominion
          3. Amen
      3. 1:6
        1. From Jesus Christ
          1. Who Is
          2. Faithful witness
          3. First begotten of the dead
          4. Prince of the kings of the earth
        2. Unto him that
          1. loved us
          2. washed us from our sins in his own blood
          3. hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father
        3. To HIM be (forever)
          1. Glory
          2. dominion
          3. Amen
    3. 1:7-8
      1. 1:7
        1. HE cometh with clouds
          1. Every eye shall see him
          2. They also which pierced him
          3. All kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him
        2. Even so
          1. Amen
      2. 1:8
        1. I AM (HE is)
          1. Alpha and Omega
          2. Beginning and Ending
        2. Saith the Lord
          1. Which is
          2. Which was
          3. Which is to come
          4. The Almighty
    4. 1:9-12
      1. 1:9
        1. 1:9 Brother & companion in
          1. Tribulation
          2. Kingdom (of Jesus Christ)
          3. Patience of Jesus Christ
        2. 1:9 In Patmos, For the
          1. Word of God
          2. Testimony of Jesus Christ
      2. 1:10
        1. 1:10 In Spirit on Lord’s day
        2. Heard behind me
          1. A great voice
          2. as of a trumpet
      3. 1:11
        1. 1:11 (Great Voice Said)
          1. I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last
          2. What thou seest, write in a book
          3. Send (book) to 7 churches in Asia
          4. 1-Ephesus
          5. 2-Smyrna
          6. 3-Pergamos
          7. 4-Thyatira
          8. 5-Sardis
          9. 6-Philadelphia
          10. 7-Laodicea
        2. 1:12-13 Saw of voice that spake
          1. Saw 7 golden candlesticks
          2. Midst of 7 candlesticks One like unto the Son of man
      4. 1:12
        1. 1:11 (Great Voice Said)
          1. I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last
          2. What thou seest, write in a book
          3. Send (book) to 7 churches in Asia
          4. 1-Ephesus
          5. 2-Smyrna
          6. 3-Pergamos
          7. 4-Thyatira
          8. 5-Sardis
          9. 6-Philadelphia
          10. 7-Laodicea
        2. 1:12-13 Saw of voice that spake
          1. Saw 7 golden candlesticks
          2. Midst of 7 candlesticks One like unto the Son of man
    5. 1:13-16
      1. 1:13
        1. 1:13-16 The Son of man
          1. His Clothing
          2. Garment down to the foot
          3. Girt about the paps with a golden girdle
          4. His Features
          5. Eyes were as a flame of fire
          6. Head and his hairs were white like wool
          7. (Hair) white as snow
          8. Feet like unto fine brass
          9. as if they burned in a furnace
          10. Voice sound of many waters
          11. Had with Him
          12. In right hand seven stars
          13. Out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword
          14. His Countenance
          15. As the sun shineth in his strength
      2. 1:14
        1. 1:13-16 The Son of man
          1. His Clothing
          2. Garment down to the foot
          3. Girt about the paps with a golden girdle
          4. His Features
          5. Eyes were as a flame of fire
          6. Head and his hairs were white like wool
          7. (Hair) white as snow
          8. Feet like unto fine brass
          9. as if they burned in a furnace
          10. Voice sound of many waters
          11. Had with Him
          12. In right hand seven stars
          13. Out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword
          14. His Countenance
          15. As the sun shineth in his strength
      3. 1:15
        1. 1:13-16 The Son of man
          1. His Clothing
          2. Garment down to the foot
          3. Girt about the paps with a golden girdle
          4. His Features
          5. Eyes were as a flame of fire
          6. Head and his hairs were white like wool
          7. (Hair) white as snow
          8. Feet like unto fine brass
          9. as if they burned in a furnace
          10. Voice sound of many waters
          11. Had with Him
          12. In right hand seven stars
          13. Out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword
          14. His Countenance
          15. As the sun shineth in his strength
      4. 1:16
        1. 1:13-16 The Son of man
          1. His Clothing
          2. Garment down to the foot
          3. Girt about the paps with a golden girdle
          4. His Features
          5. Eyes were as a flame of fire
          6. Head and his hairs were white like wool
          7. (Hair) white as snow
          8. Feet like unto fine brass
          9. as if they burned in a furnace
          10. Voice sound of many waters
          11. Had with Him
          12. In right hand seven stars
          13. Out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword
          14. His Countenance
          15. As the sun shineth in his strength
    6. 1:17-18
      1. 1:17
        1. 1:17 When I saw him
          1. I fell at his feet as dead
          2. And he laid his right hand upon me
        2. 1:17-18 He Said
          1. Fear not; I am the first and the last
          2. I am he that liveth, and was dead
          3. I am alive for evermore, Amen
          4. and have the keys of hell and of death
      2. 1:18
        1. 1:17 When I saw him
          1. I fell at his feet as dead
          2. And he laid his right hand upon me
        2. 1:17-18 He Said
          1. Fear not; I am the first and the last
          2. I am he that liveth, and was dead
          3. I am alive for evermore, Amen
          4. and have the keys of hell and of death
    7. 1:19-20
      1. 1:19
        1. 1:19-20 He told me to Write
          1. The things which thou hast seen
          2. The things which shall be hereafter
        2. 1:20 The mysteries of
          1. Of the seven stars in right hand
          2. Are the angels of the seven churches
          3. The seven golden candlesticks
          4. Are the seven churches
      2. 1:20
        1. 1:19-20 He told me to Write
          1. The things which thou hast seen
          2. The things which shall be hereafter
        2. 1:20 The mysteries of
          1. Of the seven stars in right hand
          2. Are the angels of the seven churches
          3. The seven golden candlesticks
          4. Are the seven churches
  2. Rev.Ch.02-03 (7 CHURCHES)
    1. 7 Churches ANALYSIS
    2. 7 Churches HARMONY
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
  3. Rev.Ch.04-05 (THRONE & the LAMB)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
  4. Rev.Ch.06 (7 SEALS)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
    2. Seal1- 6:1-2
      1. White horse
      2. Bow
      3. Crown
      4. Conquering
    3. Seal2- 6:3-4
      1. Red horse
      2. War
      3. Great sword
      4. Take peace from the earth
    4. Seal3- 6:5-6
      1. Black horse
      2. Balance
      3. Famine
    5. Seal4- 6:7-8
      1. Pale horse
      2. Death
      3. Hell
      4. 1/4 of earth
    6. Seal5- 6:9-11
      1. Souls of martyrs
      2. Souls under the altar
      3. "How long?"
    7. Seal6- 6:12-17
      1. Signs in heavens
      2. Sun, moon, stars, sky
      3. Day of Wrath
      4. Earthquake,
      5. Ungodly leaders hide in caves
      6. cry out for fear of wrath of the
      7. Lamb (15-17)
      8. but not believers (9:1-12)
    8. Seal7- 8:1
      1. Silence in Heaven
  5. Rev.Ch.07 (144,000 SEALED)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
  6. Rev.Ch.08-11 (7 TRUMPETS)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
    2. Trumpet1- 8:7
      1. Earth burned
      2. 1/3 destroyed
      3. Hail & fire (8:7)
    3. Trumpet2- 8:8-9
      1. Sea to blood
      2. 1/3 sea
      3. 1/3 fish
      4. 1/3 ships
    4. Trumpet3- 8:10-11
      1. Water poisoned
      2. Wormwood Star
      3. 1/3 water bitter
    5. Trumpet4- 8:12
      1. Sun, moon, stars
      2. 1/3 darkened
    6. Trumpet5- 9:1-12
      1. Locusts torture unbelievers
      2. Torture 5 months from bottomless pit
    7. Trumpet6 9:13 to 11:1-14
      1. 9:13-21
        1. 200 million cavalry kills 1/3
        2. 4 angel
        3. 200 million horses
      2. 10:1-11
        1. Little Scroll eaten
        2. Bitter ó Sweet
      3. 11:1-14
        1. Two Witnesses
        2. prophecy 1260 days,
        3. slain 3-1/2 days,
        4. resurrection
        5. Caught up (rapture)
    8. Trumpet7- 11:15-19
      1. Consummation:
      2. Christ reigns
      3. Kingdoms >> Christ
      4. Dead Judged
      5. servants rewarded
      6. destroyer destroyed (11:15-19)
  7. Rev.Ch.11 (7 SIGNS)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
    2. Mystery1- 12:1-2, 6, 13-16
      1. The woman with child
    3. Mystery2- 12:3-4
      1. Red Dragon
      2. 7 heads
      3. 10 horns
      4. 7 diadems on heads
        1. Devil
        2. Satan
        3. Ancient
        4. serpent
    4. Mystery3- 12:5
      1. Male child
    5. Mystery4- 12:7-12
      1. Archangel Michael
    6. Mystery5- 13:1-10
      1. Beast from the Sea
      2. 10 horns
      3. 7 heads
      4. 10 diadems on heads
        1. (= Antichrist)
    7. Mystery6- 13:11-18
      1. Beast from the Earth
      2. 2 horns
      3. like lamb
      4. spoke like dragon
      5. Number is 666
    8. Mystery7- 14:1-5
      1. Lamb
      2. 144,000 on Mt. Zion
  8. Rev.Ch.12 (WOMAN clothed with the sun)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
  9. Rev.Ch.13 (BEAST-DRAGON-MARK)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
  10. Rev.Ch.14 (LAMB & 144,000)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
  11. Rev.Ch.15-16 (7 VIALS PLAGUES)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
  13. Rev.Ch.18 (BABYLON FALLEN)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
  14. Rev.Ch.19 (King of Kings)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
  15. Rev.Ch.20 (BottomlessPit)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
  16. Rev.Ch.21 (New Jerusalem)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand
  17. Rev.Ch.22 (Closing)
      1. 1:1
        1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
        2. God gave unto him
          1. To shew unto HIS servants
          2. things which must shortly come to pass
        3. sent and signified by HIS angel
          1. unto HIS servant John
      2. 1:2
        1. Servant John
          1. Bare record of
          2. The word of God
          3. The testimony of Jesus Christ
          4. All things that he saw
      3. 1:3
        1. Blessed is HE that
          1. Readeth
          2. Hear the words of this prophecy
          3. keep those things which are written therein
        2. for the time is at hand