1. Human Rights
    1. essential for all around development of individual
    2. Basic rights, natural rights,legal rights
      1. right to work
      2. right to move freely
      3. right to speak
      4. right to live
    3. documents
      1. 1215 - england - magna carta
      2. 1791 - america - vill of rights
      3. 1792 - france - declaration of rights of man
      4. russian revolution, indian freedom struggle - establish constitutional guarantee for human rights
    4. denied in 20th century
      1. colonialism
      2. first world war
      3. autocratic rule - hitler, mussolini
      4. second world war
      5. slavery
      6. apartheid
    5. UNO
      1. formed 1945 oct 24
      2. 1948 dec 24 - international bill on human rights
      3. 10 dec - human rights day
      4. 30 articles
        1. born free and equal in dignity and rights
        2. right to life, librety and security
        3. no slavery
        4. all are equal before law, equal protection
        5. no arbitrary arrest, detention or exile
        6. freedom of movement and residence within state
        7. right to nationality
        8. right to marry
        9. right to own property
        10. freedom of thought, conscience and religion
        11. freedom of opinion and expression
        12. peaceful assembly
        13. take part in govt of own country
        14. right to employment
        15. equal pay for equal work
        16. children - social care
        17. motherhood and childhood - special care and assistance
    6. India
      1. fundamental rights
        1. equality
        2. freedom
        3. against exploitation
        4. freedom of religion
        5. cultural and educational rights
        6. property
        7. constitutional remedies
    7. NHRC & SHRC
      1. 1993 oct 12 - national commission
        1. retires supreme court judge - chairman
        2. four other experts
        3. five years
        4. judicial powers
      2. tamilnadu SHRC - chennai - 1996 for all states -
    8. Need to protect
      1. weaker section
      2. downtrodden
  2. Women Rights
    1. Social Legislation
      1. 1955- Hindu Marriage Act - marriageble age 21
      2. 1956 - hindu sucession act - right to inherit property
      3. 1956 - hindu widow remarriage act
      4. 1961- dowry prohibition act -punishment for dowry seekers
      5. 1967 - hindu marriage act amendment - self respect marriages
      6. 1989 - hindu succession act - equal share on inherited property
      7. 1999 - indecent representation act - prohibit indecent representation in magazines, newspapers etc
    2. Labour Legislation
      1. 1948 - Factory act
      2. 1951 - plantation labour act -wages without discrimination
      3. 1952 - mines act
      4. 1961 - maternity act - maternity leave with wages
    3. Women Leaders
      1. Leaders
        1. Kasturba Gandhi
        2. Dr. Annie Besant
        3. Vijayalakshmi Pandit
        4. Kamala Nehru
        5. Pandit Rama Bai
        6. Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy
        7. Ruckmani Lakshmi Pathy
        8. Ambujammal
        9. Sister Subbulakshmi
      2. International Women's day - March 8
      3. 1995- Beijing, china - Human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights
    4. Women's Association
      1. Women Indian Association
      2. All India Women's conference
      3. National Council for women in India
      4. Democratic Women's association
      5. Pennurimai Iyakkam
      6. Non governmental organisations (NGO)
        1. Lion's club
        2. Rotary Club
  3. Bosanquet
    1. right is a claim recognised by society and enforced by state
  4. Earnest Baker
    1. Rights are guaranteed by state