1. Nicky Project manager
  2. Phase 1 (Face Tracking)
    1. 1. Purchase Arduino
    2. 2. Download sample program to Arduino
    3. 3. Get Arduino working with stepper motors
    4. 4. Get Arduino working with Pan/Tilt Mechanism
    5. 5. Install and build OpenCV Computer Vision library
    6. 6. Get face tracking software working using Open CV
    7. 7. Get C++ program running Open CV communicating with Arduino board using Serial connection
    8. 8. Use face tracking program in Open CV to center pan/tilt mechanism controlled by Arduino
  3. Phase 2 (Mobile Skeletal Tracking)
    1. 1. Hookup Kinect to PC and install Microsoft Kinect Software
      1. Time estimate: 1 hour
    2. 2. Run sample Skeletal tracking software using Kinect on PC
      1. Time estimate: 2 hours
    3. 3. Create test program demonstrating skeletal tracking using Kinect on PC
      1. Time estimate: 4 hours
    4. 4. Be able to identify person movement using the Kinect on PC
      1. Time estimate: 10 hours
    5. 5. Purchase and build Mobile single-floor robot platform
      1. Time estimate: 3 hours
    6. 7. Extend person movement software to control mobile platform and follow person on single floor
      1. Time estimate: 20 hours
    7. 8. Write task management and planning software (for follow modes)
      1. Time estimate: 30 hours
  4. Phase 3 (Stair Climbing)
    1. 1. Research technology involved in building a treaded vehicle
      1. Time estimate: 20 hours
    2. 2. Design axle and tread configuration for climbing stairs
    3. 3. Create purchase list and investigate sourcing of materials to build stair climbing prototype
    4. 4. Purchase materials
    5. 5. Construct axles, motors, and main body for robot stair climber
    6. 6. Construct spokes, treads and idler wheels
    7. 7. Attach basic arduino motor control
    8. 8. Add basic ultrasonic sensors
    9. 9. Add gyro and center of gravity control
    10. 10. achieve basic stair climbing capability
    11. 11. Achieve basic stair descending capability
  5. Phase 4 (Final Porter robot)
    1. 1. Design robot body configuration for mobile stair climber with embedded camera and cpu
    2. 2. Purchase Embedded camera and CPU
    3. 3. Successfully test camera communicating with CPU
    4. 4. Set up additional sensor and motor input/output with CPU
    5. 5. Write multi-level robot mapping software
    6. 7. Construct robot body and mount sensors and motors
    7. 8. Run final mode tests
  6. Phase 5 (Sales, Marketing and Production)
    1. 1. Estimate rough production costs and times
    2. 2. Identify target markets and sales targets
    3. 3. Set up demonstration at robotics conference
    4. 4. Investigate patents claims
    5. 5. Build initial dry run of production robots (5-10)
    6. 6. Look into Kickstarter
    7. 7. Final Engineering design and mechanics
    8. 8. Visit Carnegie-Mellon University's robot lab
    9. 9. Visit Virginia Tech robot lab