- Nicky Project manager
Phase 1 (Face Tracking)
- 1. Purchase Arduino
- 2. Download sample program to Arduino
- 3. Get Arduino working with stepper motors
- 4. Get Arduino working with Pan/Tilt Mechanism
- 5. Install and build OpenCV Computer Vision library
- 6. Get face tracking software working using Open CV
- 7. Get C++ program running Open CV communicating with Arduino board using Serial connection
- 8. Use face tracking program in Open CV to center pan/tilt mechanism controlled by Arduino
Phase 2 (Mobile Skeletal Tracking)
1. Hookup Kinect to PC and install Microsoft Kinect Software
- Time estimate: 1 hour
2. Run sample Skeletal tracking software using Kinect on PC
- Time estimate: 2 hours
3. Create test program demonstrating skeletal tracking using Kinect on PC
- Time estimate: 4 hours
4. Be able to identify person movement using the Kinect on PC
- Time estimate: 10 hours
5. Purchase and build Mobile single-floor robot platform
- Time estimate: 3 hours
7. Extend person movement software to control mobile platform and follow person on single floor
- Time estimate: 20 hours
8. Write task management and planning software (for follow modes)
- Time estimate: 30 hours
Phase 3 (Stair Climbing)
1. Research technology involved in building a treaded vehicle
- Time estimate: 20 hours
- 2. Design axle and tread configuration for climbing stairs
- 3. Create purchase list and investigate sourcing of materials to build stair climbing prototype
- 4. Purchase materials
- 5. Construct axles, motors, and main body for robot stair climber
- 6. Construct spokes, treads and idler wheels
- 7. Attach basic arduino motor control
- 8. Add basic ultrasonic sensors
- 9. Add gyro and center of gravity control
- 10. achieve basic stair climbing capability
- 11. Achieve basic stair descending capability
Phase 4 (Final Porter robot)
- 1. Design robot body configuration for mobile stair climber with embedded camera and cpu
- 2. Purchase Embedded camera and CPU
- 3. Successfully test camera communicating with CPU
- 4. Set up additional sensor and motor input/output with CPU
- 5. Write multi-level robot mapping software
- 7. Construct robot body and mount sensors and motors
- 8. Run final mode tests
Phase 5 (Sales, Marketing and Production)
- 1. Estimate rough production costs and times
- 2. Identify target markets and sales targets
- 3. Set up demonstration at robotics conference
- 4. Investigate patents claims
- 5. Build initial dry run of production robots (5-10)
- 6. Look into Kickstarter
- 7. Final Engineering design and mechanics
- 8. Visit Carnegie-Mellon University's robot lab
- 9. Visit Virginia Tech robot lab