1. Infrastructure
    1. Members
      1. One-on-Ones
      2. Membership meetings
        1. Monthly
      3. P.E. & L.D.
      4. Committees
        1. Policy
        2. Workplace Justice
        3. Health & safety
      5. Member benefits
    2. ROC-United
      1. Weekly checkins
      2. Work reports
      3. Financial reports
      4. Timesheet/payroll
      5. Record keeping
      6. Development
    3. Coordination
      1. Staff meetings
      2. Coordinate work
    4. Communications
      1. Media
      2. Correspondences
      3. Email/Newsletter/Announcements
    5. Leadership Board
      1. Member leaders
    6. Strategic Partnership
      1. Allies
      2. Advisory Board
    7. Orientation
      1. One per week
      2. Outreach
        1. Workplace visit
        2. Classes/internet
        3. Members recruit at work
      3. Sign up new members
  2. High Road
    1. Roundtable
      1. ID Partners
      2. Topics of discussion
      3. Facilitate meetings
    2. CHOW training
      1. Bartending
      2. Fine dining
      3. Food handing
      4. Cooking
      5. ESOL
      6. OSHA
  3. Workplace Justice
    1. Workplace Justice Committee
      1. Member led
    2. Campaigns
      1. ID workplace
      2. Worker support
      3. ROC D.A. process
  4. Research & Policy
    1. Policy committee
      1. Worker led
    2. Policy Campaigns
      1. Wages
      2. Work while sick
      3. Wage theft
      4. Solidarity campaigns
    3. Research
      1. ID Topic
      2. Field research & interviews
      3. Academics
      4. Upload data to national
    4. Publish reports
      1. Summit
      2. Research results
      3. Topics
    5. Promote High Road
      1. Restaurants acting fairly