1. Gods
    1. Devine right
      1. Given to Lear
    2. curses
      1. Gods fulfil what you ask them to do
      2. Even if you don't want them too
    3. "Like flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods, they kill us for their sport"
      1. Glouchester
  2. fortune
    1. wheel
      1. What?
        1. When on top of the world
        2. you will fall to lowest of low
        1. "Fortune, good night: smile once more; turn thy wheel"
          1. Kent
        2. "I am bound upon a wheel of fire that mine own tears do scald like molten lead"
          1. Lear
  3. Goneral + Regan
    1. Fall for edmund
      1. used to be about logic
      2. now about emotion
    2. start to fight
      1. Don't care about their situation
  4. Free will
    1. For
      1. Gods can not undo that which is done
    2. Against
      1. Stars are blamed for bad things which happen
        1. "These late eclipses of the sun and moon portend no good" - gloucester
        2. Edmund calls this "Excellent Foppery"
  5. Edmund
    1. Controls fate of other characters
      1. Goneral + Regan
      2. Edgar
      3. Glouchester
      4. Lear
      5. Cordelia