1. Tactics
    1. British
      1. Naval Blockade of German ports
      2. Civilians suffering from TOTAL WAR
      3. Convoy Tactics - Reduced effectivness of U-Boats
    2. German
      1. Limited /Unlimited submarine warfare
      2. Fear of America entering the war
    3. 1 Naval Battle - Jutland
      1. Only major battle
      2. No real contribution
  2. Successes
    1. British
      1. Allied Blockade
        1. Dealt with U-Boat threat
        2. Very succesful -Hunger,strikes,starvation,mutiny
      2. British Trade was not disrupted
    2. German
      1. German propaganda
      2. PR success over Jutland
      3. Breaking the myth of Trafalgar (Britain could be defeat on the high seas
  3. Failures
    1. Germany
      1. World Public opinion of German tactics was negative
      2. Brought America into the war
      3. Germany failed to disrupt British naval trade
    2. Britain
      1. No big failures